"Proposed L-Shape Pattern on UFS ACM For Risk Analysis" by Abhishek Asthana and Padma Lochan Pradhan Dr


At this cloud age, there is tremendous growth in business, services, resources, and cloud technology. This growth comes with a risk of unsafe, unordered, and uncertainty due to unauthorized access and theft of confidential propriety data. Our objective is to model around Read, Write and Execute to resolve these unordered, unsafe, and uncertain issues. We will develop a L-Shape pattern model matching UFS ACM to minimize the accessibilities based on RIGHT & ROLE of the resources and maximize the quality of services for safety and high availability. The preventive, detective, corrective (PDC) services are the major roles for all levels of management to coordinate, control the multiple technologies and resources which are working simultaneously. It will be more ordered, accountable, and actionable on real-time access control mechanism for scalabilities, reliability, performance, and high availability of computational services. We have to make safer, certain, unified, and step-by-step normalization by applying this UFS ACM mechanism on UNIX operating system. This proposed research paper covers a wide range of areas covering optimization, normalization, Fuzzy Low, and Risk assessment.


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