"Automating Vendor Fraud Detection in Enterprise Systems" by Kishore Singh, Peter Best et al.

Prior Publisher

The Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (ADFSL)


Fraud is a multi-billion dollar industry that continues to grow annually. Many organizations are poorly prepared to prevent and detect fraud. Fraud detection strategies are intended to quickly and efficiently identify fraudulent activities that circumvent preventative measures. In this paper, we adopt a DesignScience methodological framework to develop a model for detection of vendor fraud based on analysis of patterns or signatures identified in enterprise system audit trails. The concept is demonstrated by developing prototype software. Verification of the prototype is achieved by performing a series of experiments. Validation is achieved by independent reviews from auditing practitioners. Key findings of this study are: (a) automating routine data analytics improves auditor productivity and reduces time taken to identify potential fraud; and (b) visualizations assist in promptly identifying potentially fraudulent user activities. The study makes the following contributions: (a) a model for proactive fraud detection; (b) methods for visualizing user activities in transaction data; and (c) a stand-alone Monitoring and Control Layer (MCL) based prototype.


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