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Jason Glenn has many descriptors: visionary, strategist, motivator and leader. With more than 20 years of honorable service as a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force marked by outstanding successes both personally and professionally – he has the credentials to justify these accolades. Among key milestones of this visionary’s career is his current position as Dean of Students, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Beach, Florida. In this capacity he, along with his staff of professionals, mentor, counsel, and provide critical guidance to a very diverse student population on successful strategies for personal and academic development. The enthusiasm, positive nature and compassion regularly exhibited by Dean Glenn has made him a trusted ally among students and parents. His advice and guidance are sought out for critical university functions and emergency management.
His transformative efforts have earned him a reputation as a talented strategist and recognized change agent. He actively seeks opportunities to improve organizational performance by providing innovative solutions to address modern day challenges. His adaptation and application of successful leadership behaviors from today’s thought leaders including Stephen Covey, John Maxwell, and Ken Blanchard serve as testimony to his uncompromising commitment to being a lifelong learner and coach of leadership principles. This commitment was borne out of lessons learned, primarily while on active duty. His execution of key responsibilities in high visibility positions including Commander, Executive Officer, and Commandant of Cadets, demonstrate his unique ability to adapt leadership principles to real life circumstances. In these key roles he assisted in the execution of mission critical requirements impacting high visibility military and civilian personnel via the use of critical thinking, sound decision-making and problem solving skills.
As an innovator he always questions the status quo and challenges individuals to consider how their decisions impact those who are entrusted to them. His ability to influence others to think beyond their self-imposed borders on what leadership can do continues to garner praise. His tremendous abilities to effectively listen, ask the right questions, challenge, provide direction, and encourage critical dialogue around solutions distinguish him above other innovative leaders.
Jason has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, and a Master’s Degree in Management Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Business Administration with a focus on Organizational Leadership. He enjoys traveling, arts and culture, music and entertainment, and is an avid reader.