McNair Scholars Research Journal | Journals | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University


Executive Editor: Dr. Ashley Lear, ERAU - Department of Humanities and Communication
Assistant Managing Editor: Paula Reed, ERAU – McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program

The McNair Scholars Research Journal is a scientific periodical published once per academic year in the fall term. It presents peer-reviewed research papers completed and presented during the previous academic year. Research is the cornerstone of doctoral studies and the ERAU-DB McNair Program is committed to giving its scholars the opportunity and tools necessary to learn the methods and techniques of scientific research, as well as the art of writing publishable papers. Under the guidance of their faculty mentors, who are outstanding teachers and distinguished researchers, McNair scholars learn the step-by-step process of designing research projects, reviewing the literature, conducting experiments, gathering and analyzing data, writing publishable papers, and presenting them at local, national, and international conferences.

Current Volume: Volume 5 (2018)


The McNair Scholars Research Journal of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University would like to acknowledge the work of the following students by providing links to their papers published outside of this journal. 
