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Dr. Cortés is the Associate Dean for the School of Graduate Studies in the College of Aviation. He oversees master’s and doctoral degree programs, heads aviation safety research projects, and teaches courses in safety management, accident investigation, and human factors in aviation. He recently co-authored the 6th Edition of the popular Commercial Aviation Safety textbook. He was previously the Associate Dean of the College of Aviation, the Chair of the Department of Applied Aviation Sciences, and an Associate Professor in the Aeronautical Science Department.
His real-world experience comes from having been a U.S. Air Force C-21A Learjet evaluator and instructor pilot, a C-141B aircraft commander and flight safety manager, an MD-80 pilot for Midwest Airlines, and an engineering air safety investigator at the Headquarters U.S. Air Force Safety Center. He has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a Master's degree from ERAU, and a Ph.D. from Northcentral University with research focused on human error on the flight deck. His recognitions include the FAA Distinguished Service Award, the NASA Honor Award, the Tunner Award for the most outstanding airlift crew in the U.S. Air Force, the ERAU Outstanding Teaching Award, and the Aeronautical Science Outstanding Performance Award.