Sponsorship Information | National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS) - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) | Conferences | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Sponsorship Information

NTAS 2024 Quicklinks
Call for Abstracts | Keynote Speakers & Panelists | Sponsors
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday Roundtable

Corporate and community sponsors are an important source of funding for NTAS and the academic programs at Embry-Riddle. We invite you to become a sponsor to support the success of the Symposium and the Embry-Riddle College of Aviation Dean’s Fund for Excellence.

Your sponsorship includes your logo on the NTAS website, on social media, and at the Symposium.

All sponsorship contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

All sponsorship levels are open to competitive product lines/companies unless sponsoring the entire Symposium.

NTAS 2024 Sponsorship Levels Gold Eagle Blue Eagle White Eagle
  $4,000+ $2,500+ $1,500+
Company logo on NTAS website
Company logo on event eblast sent to aviation professionals
Company logo on table-top event sign (8.5” x 11”)
Company logo on poster (24” x 36 “)
Company logo on screen prior to introduction  
Company logo on screen during session/event    
Thank you sponsorship mentioned at event and on social media    

Sponsorship Opportunities   
Registration Area/Packet Pickup $1,500 
Conference Tote Bags $1,500  SOLD
Lanyards $1,500 SOLD
Break Station – both days $1,500 SOLD
Tuesday, February 27, 2024   
AAM Poster Presentation  $4,000 
AAM Panel Session $2,500 
AAM Panel Session $2,500 
AAM Keynote Session $2,500
Wednesday, February 28, 2024   
Mental Health Poster Presentation $4,000
Mental Health Panel Session $2,500 
Mental Health Panel Session $2,500  SOLD
Mental Health Keynote Session $2,500  SOLD


For more information about Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact Marcia Smith, smithm30@erau.edu.

Sponsorship does not include conference registration or exhibit space. Please register as an attendee to participate in conference events and/or register as an exhibitor to reserve a table for your company.

Exhibitor Information

Exhibit space is available in the Mori Hosseini Student Union Events Center and includes:

  • Company logo displayed on the NTAS website
  • One (1) 3ft. x 6 ft. table with tablecloth
  • Two (2) chairs
  • Internet access
  • Electrical outlet access
  • One (1) extension cord

Exhibitor Space                               $ 500

Please contact Daytona.NTAS.conference@erau.edu with questions.

Exhibitor space does not include conference registration. Please register as an attendee if you wish to attend conference events and meals.

Please Note: The audience for this event is aviation professionals in academia, industry, the government, and the military. Exhibits will also be accessible to Embry-Riddle students; however, this is not a recruitment opportunity. For companies that wish to formally interview and recruit students for internships and employment, please contact careers@erau.edu