Scholarly Commons - ERAU Open Education Week: 2023 Champion: Herbster, Chris

2023 Champion: Herbster, Chris

Presenter Information

Chris Herbster


Dr. Herbster is an Associate Professor of Meteorology in the Daytona Beach College of Aviation and has been with Embry-Riddle for over 20 years. Several years ago, he made the decision to move WX 367: Thermodynamic Meteorology to an open textbook titled Practical Meteorology, replacing a textbook that cost students approximately $100. Since WX 367 is a core course for the meteorology program, every student pursuing the degree has benefited from this change. Dr. Herbster also provides notes and additional materials to ensure students have all the information they need for success in their course without the additional costs.


Daytona Beach


Associate Professor of Meteorology

Courses Impacted

  • WX 367



2023 Champion: Herbster, Chris