COE TTHP Y5 MTG, Student Researcher Poster Competition
Scope / Description
Eligibility: This competition is open to undergraduate and graduate student researchers working on COE TTHP funded research and research related to COE TTHP Research Themes. Students do not have to be receiving funding from a COE TTHP grant to participate. The posters may feature research that was previously completed or represent a research proposal. The posters should not be identical to posters submitted to other professional/industry events, conferences, etc. (if similar, please cite the previous item to avoid self-plagiarism.)
More on our COE TTHP research themes may be found at the following webpages: Analytics
Conference Website
Submission Guidelines: The poster should be PDF a document. If a PowerPoint slide is used, please convert to a PDF. A landscape orientation is preferred.
Content: The poster should include:
- Title: The title clearly and succinctly identifies the research topic.
- Introduction: A brief statement of study’s objectives (purpose statement) and problem statement.
- Background: A section that informs the reader of relevant information related to the topic, foundation theories, etc. (in essence, a brief literature review).
- Research methods/hypotheses: A section that lists research questions and/or hypotheses, as appropriate for the research and methodology.
- Methods: A concise statement of research method, design, procedures, and materials/instrumentation that is appropriate to address the research questions and/or hypotheses.
- Results: A clear presentation of results, which should be “data rich”; for proposed research, this section could be expected results based on related publications/theories.
- Conclusions: A closing statement of study’s conclusions and/or the importance of the research.
- References: All reference are cited using APA, MLA, or other industry standard
- Video bio: Please create a short (1-2 minutes) video biography introducing yourself, your school affiliation and research level (e.g., undergraduate/graduate at This University), your research interests, and name of your Faculty Advisor/Principle Investigator with whom you do research.
○ Optional: If you would like to talk for up to 5 minutes about the content of your poster and expand on your research, you may. This will not impact the voting.
○ Be sure to hyperlink your video on the poster.
- Contact information: Include contact information for yourself and your Faculty Advisor/Principle Investigator.
Please email your submissions to Stephanie Fussell (gill974@erau.edu) and Caroline Ocasio (cocasio@bayamon.inter.edu).
Voting: Your submission will be voted upon using the following criteria.
- Relevance: The research is relevant to one or more of the COE TTHP Research Themes and adds to the body of knowledge of technical training and human performance.
Does not meet expectations (0 pt), meets some expectations (2 pt), meets/exceeds expectations (4 pts)
- Creativity and design: The submission is engaging and interesting to the reader. The content is well presented visually and text is easily read in terms of font, sizing, and spacing. Graphics, tables, charts, etc. are appropriate, do not detract from the content, and legible.
Does not meet expectations (0 pt), meets some expectations (2 pt), meets/exceeds expectations (4 pts)
- Content: The content is accurate, the research questions/hypotheses align with the methodology, the research problems and procedures are feasible. Conclusions and results (if the study has been performed) are well formed.
Does not meet expectations (0 pt), meets some expectations (2 pts), meets/exceeds expectations (4 pts)
- Students are to submit posters to Stephanie and Caroline no later than Oct. 28, 5 PM EST
- Posters will be posted online (coetthp.org) no later than Oct. 30, 5 PM EST
- An email will be sent to members and registered attendees to view the posters and vote, no later than Oct. 30, 5 PM EST
- Voting will conclude Nov. 17
- Winners will be announced on Nov. 17 during the 12:30 - 1:00 PM EST session
Of Note: Your poster will be hosted across several platforms and webpages. Please be certain that all aspects of your poster may be shared without copy right infringement, sharing of classified information, etc.