The Effect of Leadership Traits and Training on the Effectiveness of a Team

Faculty Mentor Name

Marella T. Big Mountain

Format Preference



This team consists of undergraduate students whose members all participate in Air Force ROTC at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona. The topic of our class this year is leadership, so our team began researching how leadership training and positive leadership traits in subordinates changes the effectiveness of a team. We approached various teams around the campus, and surveyed members of those teams to see if any of the subordinates had received any formal or informal leadership training in the last five years. We also asked what type of leadership training they received, and what topics were covered in that training. We then measured the effectiveness of each team so that results could be compared across many groups. The end goal of the research is to determine if training subordinates in leadership topics is a good way of increasing the overall effectiveness of a team.

Poster Presentation

Air Force ROTC Briefing


AC1-Atrium, Eagle Gym

Start Date

3-23-2018 11:00 AM

End Date

3-23-2018 9:00 PM


Mar 23rd, 11:00 AM Mar 23rd, 9:00 PM

The Effect of Leadership Traits and Training on the Effectiveness of a Team

AC1-Atrium, Eagle Gym

This team consists of undergraduate students whose members all participate in Air Force ROTC at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona. The topic of our class this year is leadership, so our team began researching how leadership training and positive leadership traits in subordinates changes the effectiveness of a team. We approached various teams around the campus, and surveyed members of those teams to see if any of the subordinates had received any formal or informal leadership training in the last five years. We also asked what type of leadership training they received, and what topics were covered in that training. We then measured the effectiveness of each team so that results could be compared across many groups. The end goal of the research is to determine if training subordinates in leadership topics is a good way of increasing the overall effectiveness of a team.

Poster Presentation

Air Force ROTC Briefing