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Faculty Mentor Name

Brian Zeltins

Format Preference

Poster Presentation with Audio


Current United States natural disaster relief plans are dependent on administration policies that change from one administration to another. This leads to a problem where one natural disaster receives rapid and well-coordinated relief while another does not, even when the capability to prevent damage and loss of life is present. This problem was well demonstrated in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, where the U.S. overseas territories in the Atlantic Ocean were not the beneficiaries of a widespread or well-coordinated disaster relief effort. In order to provide the most coordinated response it is necessary for the U.S. to adopt one centralized plan that can be enacted effectively immediately after the occurrence of a natural disaster. This centralized plan needs to be developed specifically for the infrastructure and resources present in individual regions. By focusing only on the American territories in the Atlantic (i.e. Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands), a specific timeline for the response to natural disasters in the region will be developed in order to mitigate losses and optimize the utilization of existing resources and infrastructure.

  • Original: POSTER PRESENTATION; AUDIO added when event went online only



Developing a Plan for Improved Natural Disaster Response to U.S. Territories in the Atlantic

Current United States natural disaster relief plans are dependent on administration policies that change from one administration to another. This leads to a problem where one natural disaster receives rapid and well-coordinated relief while another does not, even when the capability to prevent damage and loss of life is present. This problem was well demonstrated in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, where the U.S. overseas territories in the Atlantic Ocean were not the beneficiaries of a widespread or well-coordinated disaster relief effort. In order to provide the most coordinated response it is necessary for the U.S. to adopt one centralized plan that can be enacted effectively immediately after the occurrence of a natural disaster. This centralized plan needs to be developed specifically for the infrastructure and resources present in individual regions. By focusing only on the American territories in the Atlantic (i.e. Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands), a specific timeline for the response to natural disasters in the region will be developed in order to mitigate losses and optimize the utilization of existing resources and infrastructure.

  • Original: POSTER PRESENTATION; AUDIO added when event went online only