Lunar Power: Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator

Faculty Mentor Name

Karl Heine

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With direction from Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC) we will research and design a product to connect heat produced by radioisotopes with a thermoelectric generator. Our goal is to convert heat from EmberCore, a nuclear chargeable ceramic (NCC) device, into electricity for surface equipment on manned missions to the Moon. Because an inhabited lunar environment has unique demands like overcoming polar temperatures, radiation limits, and mass restrictions for launch, engineers must develop novel technologies. This project will contribute to the advancement of alternative energies as well as establishing the Moon as a hub for human space research and exploration. Currently, traditional batteries cannot supply power to Moon missions because they cannot function in the freezing temperatures during the lunar night cycle. EmberCore, however, uses radioisotopes to heat batteries without need for externally applied power; and we aim to increase available energy for lunar human-used surface equipment by transforming this heat into electricity. In the early phases of the project we researched the processes and materials involved in thermoelectric generators. The project is on going and we are beginning to implement conceptual designs to develop a preliminary design of a thermoelectric generator and simulate the energy conversions. Moving forward, we will test and run simulations in MonteCarlo Radiation Transport Software.



Lunar Power: Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator

With direction from Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC) we will research and design a product to connect heat produced by radioisotopes with a thermoelectric generator. Our goal is to convert heat from EmberCore, a nuclear chargeable ceramic (NCC) device, into electricity for surface equipment on manned missions to the Moon. Because an inhabited lunar environment has unique demands like overcoming polar temperatures, radiation limits, and mass restrictions for launch, engineers must develop novel technologies. This project will contribute to the advancement of alternative energies as well as establishing the Moon as a hub for human space research and exploration. Currently, traditional batteries cannot supply power to Moon missions because they cannot function in the freezing temperatures during the lunar night cycle. EmberCore, however, uses radioisotopes to heat batteries without need for externally applied power; and we aim to increase available energy for lunar human-used surface equipment by transforming this heat into electricity. In the early phases of the project we researched the processes and materials involved in thermoelectric generators. The project is on going and we are beginning to implement conceptual designs to develop a preliminary design of a thermoelectric generator and simulate the energy conversions. Moving forward, we will test and run simulations in MonteCarlo Radiation Transport Software.