Semi-Autonomous Wheelless Robot Design for Small Celestial Body Exploration

Faculty Mentor Name

Davide Conte, Richard Magnum

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Project Inertia aims to create a semi-autonomous robot utilizing reaction wheels as a proof-of-concept for a space vehicle capable of movement in low-gravity, low-traction environments. Our design accounts for a payload space that would allow for an array of scientific instruments and assist in expanding the under-explored field of asteroid research. As of today, only the Hayabusa2 mission has successfully deployed two rovers to study an asteroid surface. Project Inertia’s robot will use three reaction wheels, one for each degree of freedom, to move using the principle of conservation of momentum. The reaction wheels are brought to a high rotation rate and the motor is then abruptly shorted, which transfers the angular momentum of the reaction wheels to the robot’s body. Project Inertia’s guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) system makes this project unique as it will allow the robot to move semi-autonomously from its starting point to a predetermined target location. Should the robot be deployed in space, the GNC system would house an additional instrument to track and map its surroundings in real time and/or rely on a separate system such as a satellite. Testing of individual components, as well as testing of the integrated system in Earth’s conditions and low-gravity conditions are being conducted at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Preliminary testing consists of an obstacle course to prove the semi-autonomy of the design. Additionally, a 3-degree of freedom test bench is used to recreate the low gravity conditions of small celestial bodies.



Semi-Autonomous Wheelless Robot Design for Small Celestial Body Exploration

Project Inertia aims to create a semi-autonomous robot utilizing reaction wheels as a proof-of-concept for a space vehicle capable of movement in low-gravity, low-traction environments. Our design accounts for a payload space that would allow for an array of scientific instruments and assist in expanding the under-explored field of asteroid research. As of today, only the Hayabusa2 mission has successfully deployed two rovers to study an asteroid surface. Project Inertia’s robot will use three reaction wheels, one for each degree of freedom, to move using the principle of conservation of momentum. The reaction wheels are brought to a high rotation rate and the motor is then abruptly shorted, which transfers the angular momentum of the reaction wheels to the robot’s body. Project Inertia’s guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) system makes this project unique as it will allow the robot to move semi-autonomously from its starting point to a predetermined target location. Should the robot be deployed in space, the GNC system would house an additional instrument to track and map its surroundings in real time and/or rely on a separate system such as a satellite. Testing of individual components, as well as testing of the integrated system in Earth’s conditions and low-gravity conditions are being conducted at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Preliminary testing consists of an obstacle course to prove the semi-autonomy of the design. Additionally, a 3-degree of freedom test bench is used to recreate the low gravity conditions of small celestial bodies.