A Multi-Wavelength Analysis of the Closest Colliding-Wind Binary: γ2 Velorum

Faculty Mentor Name

Noel Richardson, Pragati Pradhan

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γ2 Velorum is a binary system that contains the nearest Wolf-Rayet (WR) star to us. The binary is well-constrained, being one of the three known WR binaries with a visual orbit. With an O star companion, both stars have strong stellar winds, making this an optimal binary to study the shocked gasses from the stellar winds as they collide. We are working to re-evaluate the archival and new optical spectroscopy of the system to establish the spectroscopic orbital elements to greater precision. With that in hand, we will then analyze archival X-ray measurements of the system along with new measurements from the NICER satellite on the ISS. Recent multiwavelength results on the colliding wind binary WR 140 show that the cooling of the gas can switch between X-ray production to optical emission. Similar scenarios will be tested with this system.



A Multi-Wavelength Analysis of the Closest Colliding-Wind Binary: γ2 Velorum

γ2 Velorum is a binary system that contains the nearest Wolf-Rayet (WR) star to us. The binary is well-constrained, being one of the three known WR binaries with a visual orbit. With an O star companion, both stars have strong stellar winds, making this an optimal binary to study the shocked gasses from the stellar winds as they collide. We are working to re-evaluate the archival and new optical spectroscopy of the system to establish the spectroscopic orbital elements to greater precision. With that in hand, we will then analyze archival X-ray measurements of the system along with new measurements from the NICER satellite on the ISS. Recent multiwavelength results on the colliding wind binary WR 140 show that the cooling of the gas can switch between X-ray production to optical emission. Similar scenarios will be tested with this system.