Launch UAV - A Tube Launched Capstone Project

Faculty Mentor Name

Brian Roth, Richard Mangum

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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have proven their value for reconnaissance missions, but integrating UAVs into manned aircraft to extend mission capabilities is an emerging f ield. Launch UAV’s goal is to design an aircraft that fits inside a G-sized sonobuoy canister, deploys from a manned aircraft in flight, and flies for at least 50 miles and 45 minutes while providing live video and telemetry to a remote operator. Multiple UAVs can be deployed in the air to expand the search capabilities of manned aircraft. An example scenario would be a search and reconnaissance mission over a large expanse of open land. The multiple UAVs would be deployed, loiter over an area, transmit their findings, and then fly back to base to be recovered and reused. To develop the design, aircraft characteristics such as aerodynamics, weight, and stability were modeled in MATLAB and assessed to judge overall performance. A high-wing/twin-tail aircraft configuration was selected by considering the outcomes of multiple trade studies. Wing-folding mechanisms were prototyped to evaluate candidate design concepts and technologies. The folding mechanisms used in this UAV allow it to achieve the benefits of a longer wingspan while remaining strong and compact. Three prototype airframes have been built and prove that the UAV is stable in flight. Launch UAV validated the structure of the aircraft through load testing and the drag through wind tunnel testing. Another flight model will be ready shortly that incorporates the results from testing.



Launch UAV - A Tube Launched Capstone Project

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have proven their value for reconnaissance missions, but integrating UAVs into manned aircraft to extend mission capabilities is an emerging f ield. Launch UAV’s goal is to design an aircraft that fits inside a G-sized sonobuoy canister, deploys from a manned aircraft in flight, and flies for at least 50 miles and 45 minutes while providing live video and telemetry to a remote operator. Multiple UAVs can be deployed in the air to expand the search capabilities of manned aircraft. An example scenario would be a search and reconnaissance mission over a large expanse of open land. The multiple UAVs would be deployed, loiter over an area, transmit their findings, and then fly back to base to be recovered and reused. To develop the design, aircraft characteristics such as aerodynamics, weight, and stability were modeled in MATLAB and assessed to judge overall performance. A high-wing/twin-tail aircraft configuration was selected by considering the outcomes of multiple trade studies. Wing-folding mechanisms were prototyped to evaluate candidate design concepts and technologies. The folding mechanisms used in this UAV allow it to achieve the benefits of a longer wingspan while remaining strong and compact. Three prototype airframes have been built and prove that the UAV is stable in flight. Launch UAV validated the structure of the aircraft through load testing and the drag through wind tunnel testing. Another flight model will be ready shortly that incorporates the results from testing.