CyberAero'23 Competition

Faculty Mentor Name

Krishna Sampigethaya

Format Preference



The goal of our project is to inspire K-12 students to learn about cybersecurity while they are still in high school. Currently, there is a need for skilled individuals entering the cyber workforce. There is a massive gap between computer skills learned in high school and the knowledge needed for a secondary education in computer science majors. Furthermore, there is a dearth of in-person cyber events that can truly engage and motivate high schoolers in various cybersecurity and intelligence areas. Because of this, many students feel intimidated to be entering a degree program they have never experienced. In order to address the above needs, we have developed and will host a competition, called CyberAero, designed to both educate and impassion students to pursue an education and career in cybersecurity, no matter their current level of education. Aviation cybersecurity is in the forefront of news today and this competition will showcase the need for more talent and workforce in this topic area. The competition will be structured so that various knowledge, skills, and abilities of each individual participant is tapped and evaluated. This year we are including the addition of an interactive learning day to help bridge the gap between those schools with computer science programs/classes and those without.



CyberAero'23 Competition

The goal of our project is to inspire K-12 students to learn about cybersecurity while they are still in high school. Currently, there is a need for skilled individuals entering the cyber workforce. There is a massive gap between computer skills learned in high school and the knowledge needed for a secondary education in computer science majors. Furthermore, there is a dearth of in-person cyber events that can truly engage and motivate high schoolers in various cybersecurity and intelligence areas. Because of this, many students feel intimidated to be entering a degree program they have never experienced. In order to address the above needs, we have developed and will host a competition, called CyberAero, designed to both educate and impassion students to pursue an education and career in cybersecurity, no matter their current level of education. Aviation cybersecurity is in the forefront of news today and this competition will showcase the need for more talent and workforce in this topic area. The competition will be structured so that various knowledge, skills, and abilities of each individual participant is tapped and evaluated. This year we are including the addition of an interactive learning day to help bridge the gap between those schools with computer science programs/classes and those without.