Eagle Aero Sport

Faculty Mentor Name

Seth McNeill

Format Preference



Eagle Aero Sport is an undergraduate engineering team at the Prescott, AZ campus whose main objective is to build and modify an experimental Van’s RV-12 aircraft. The organization allows its members to receive hands-on experience with multiple different aspects of aircraft manufacturing and engineering. While building the aircraft, members learn about aircraft assembly, flight-testing, aerodynamic and electrical engineering, management of production operations, safety management, marketing, problem solving, and team building skills. In addition to building the basic blueprint of the aircraft, Eagle Aero Sport is modifying and adding unique flight test instrumentation so that research can be performed by Embry-Riddle students and staff in the future. These new instruments will allow students to study aerodynamic, structural, and performance data during flight. Over the years, the team has conducted engine, electrical systems, and mechanical systems tests. Eagle Aero Sport aims to complete the project in the near future to allow future students to realize and apply their flight dynamics knowledge from the classroom by analyzing data from the personalized aircraft.



Eagle Aero Sport

Eagle Aero Sport is an undergraduate engineering team at the Prescott, AZ campus whose main objective is to build and modify an experimental Van’s RV-12 aircraft. The organization allows its members to receive hands-on experience with multiple different aspects of aircraft manufacturing and engineering. While building the aircraft, members learn about aircraft assembly, flight-testing, aerodynamic and electrical engineering, management of production operations, safety management, marketing, problem solving, and team building skills. In addition to building the basic blueprint of the aircraft, Eagle Aero Sport is modifying and adding unique flight test instrumentation so that research can be performed by Embry-Riddle students and staff in the future. These new instruments will allow students to study aerodynamic, structural, and performance data during flight. Over the years, the team has conducted engine, electrical systems, and mechanical systems tests. Eagle Aero Sport aims to complete the project in the near future to allow future students to realize and apply their flight dynamics knowledge from the classroom by analyzing data from the personalized aircraft.