Design and Simulation of an Electromagnetic Railgun for High Velocity Impact Testing

Faculty Mentor Name

John Sevic

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The concept of launching a projectile with electromagnetic forces has been around for more than a century, but intensive research efforts were only initiated in the last 30 years. The results of such efforts led to standardizations in design, allowing for a simpler, more versatile approach and application in electromagnetic launchers. Our team will take advantage of such standardizations to devise and develop an electromagnetic railgun that can be utilized for orbital velocity impact testing, an emerging field as space infrastructure expands. This field of testing currently requires complex gas guns, which are often expensive and limit research to graduate-level. Not only can a railgun be a cheaper alternative, but it can also open research opportunities in this field to undergraduates. Because the railgun uses only electromagnetic forces to propel an object to high speeds, it is possible for undergraduate-level research to afford and construct such a device. The team for this project will be producing simulated data of the railgun design, along with constructing a testbed for future undergraduate research. The power supply is a vital component of the railgun, as it provides a shaped current pulse to the rails. This pulse of current is important as the force applied to a projectile is proportional to current squared. The targets for the simulated data will be inductance gradient, efficiency, and projectile velocity, modified based on a set range of charge voltages. With this, the team hopes to create a foundation for undergraduates to explore railgun development.



Design and Simulation of an Electromagnetic Railgun for High Velocity Impact Testing

The concept of launching a projectile with electromagnetic forces has been around for more than a century, but intensive research efforts were only initiated in the last 30 years. The results of such efforts led to standardizations in design, allowing for a simpler, more versatile approach and application in electromagnetic launchers. Our team will take advantage of such standardizations to devise and develop an electromagnetic railgun that can be utilized for orbital velocity impact testing, an emerging field as space infrastructure expands. This field of testing currently requires complex gas guns, which are often expensive and limit research to graduate-level. Not only can a railgun be a cheaper alternative, but it can also open research opportunities in this field to undergraduates. Because the railgun uses only electromagnetic forces to propel an object to high speeds, it is possible for undergraduate-level research to afford and construct such a device. The team for this project will be producing simulated data of the railgun design, along with constructing a testbed for future undergraduate research. The power supply is a vital component of the railgun, as it provides a shaped current pulse to the rails. This pulse of current is important as the force applied to a projectile is proportional to current squared. The targets for the simulated data will be inductance gradient, efficiency, and projectile velocity, modified based on a set range of charge voltages. With this, the team hopes to create a foundation for undergraduates to explore railgun development.