Precisions Measurements of Direction of Arrival and Gravitation Effects From Gravitational Wave Bursts

Faculty Mentor Name

Michele Zanolin

Format Preference



Gravitational Waves (GWs) at the fundamental level are expected to be the collected effect of individual particles named “gravitons”. Similarly to the case of electromagnetic radiation, we expect that there are specific scenarios that the granularity of the individual particles forming the radiation will have measurable effects. Thus, if a graviton is captured (namely, the wave function collapses) by one of the LIGO interferometers, the same graviton cannot collapse in the other interferometer. When a positive excess happens at one interferometer, those same gravitons will give a negative effect at the other. We then subtract the signal reconstruction of one detector from the other, which will lead to a cancellation of the common particle signal and an amplification of the fluctuations. This process is done using the algorithm Coherent WaveBurst (cWB). When observing GWs from Core Collapsed Supernovae (CCSN), the form is stochastic due to the turbulent nature of a supernova’s collapse. The main problem this inconsistency presents is increased uncertainty in directional reconstruction calculations. The current technique utilizes the difference in time-of-arrival of a single polarization between detection sites. However, due to different antenna patterns, each observatory may detect different polarizations. If the signals are shifted in time, the skewed time-of-arrival data will skew the reconstruction calculations. This paper will quantify the maximum delay that is possible between two polarizations.



Precisions Measurements of Direction of Arrival and Gravitation Effects From Gravitational Wave Bursts

Gravitational Waves (GWs) at the fundamental level are expected to be the collected effect of individual particles named “gravitons”. Similarly to the case of electromagnetic radiation, we expect that there are specific scenarios that the granularity of the individual particles forming the radiation will have measurable effects. Thus, if a graviton is captured (namely, the wave function collapses) by one of the LIGO interferometers, the same graviton cannot collapse in the other interferometer. When a positive excess happens at one interferometer, those same gravitons will give a negative effect at the other. We then subtract the signal reconstruction of one detector from the other, which will lead to a cancellation of the common particle signal and an amplification of the fluctuations. This process is done using the algorithm Coherent WaveBurst (cWB). When observing GWs from Core Collapsed Supernovae (CCSN), the form is stochastic due to the turbulent nature of a supernova’s collapse. The main problem this inconsistency presents is increased uncertainty in directional reconstruction calculations. The current technique utilizes the difference in time-of-arrival of a single polarization between detection sites. However, due to different antenna patterns, each observatory may detect different polarizations. If the signals are shifted in time, the skewed time-of-arrival data will skew the reconstruction calculations. This paper will quantify the maximum delay that is possible between two polarizations.