Prescott Observation Team for Analyzing Telescopically Observed Spectra

Faculty Mentor Name

Noel Richardson

Format Preference



The Prescott Observation Team for Analyzing Telescopically Observed Spectra (POTATOS) has created a team of observers to utilize the campus observatory. POTATOS has recruited freshman and sophomores as volunteer members of the team who are learning to operate the telescope and reduce the data they collect. By teaching these skills earlier in their college careers, the students will be better prepared for creating and working on their own research projects in the upcoming years. Over the course of the year, POTATOS has put together an operating manual for new observers to reference while observing. This, along with one on one instruction from certified members has allowed the team to get familiar with the telescope operating and safety procedure. POTATOS has observed about five massive binary systems. The team has created a software to calculate the orbital period of each system in order to determine how frequently to look at each system. By measuring the orbits of each O star binary system, we will be able to determine stellar parameters including radii, temperature, and masses.



Prescott Observation Team for Analyzing Telescopically Observed Spectra

The Prescott Observation Team for Analyzing Telescopically Observed Spectra (POTATOS) has created a team of observers to utilize the campus observatory. POTATOS has recruited freshman and sophomores as volunteer members of the team who are learning to operate the telescope and reduce the data they collect. By teaching these skills earlier in their college careers, the students will be better prepared for creating and working on their own research projects in the upcoming years. Over the course of the year, POTATOS has put together an operating manual for new observers to reference while observing. This, along with one on one instruction from certified members has allowed the team to get familiar with the telescope operating and safety procedure. POTATOS has observed about five massive binary systems. The team has created a software to calculate the orbital period of each system in order to determine how frequently to look at each system. By measuring the orbits of each O star binary system, we will be able to determine stellar parameters including radii, temperature, and masses.