G-Load Tester for Rocketry Avionics

Faculty Mentor Name

Andy Gerrick

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Not having a way of testing the avionics systems of solid propellant rockets causes the loss of both valuable data and money that was put into the resources used to build the rocket. This could all be caused by the avionics package failing during a launch. The proposed centrifuge design can produce and sustain fifty G’s of acceleration for a minimum of thirty seconds to properly simulate the force experienced during a solid propellant rocket launch. The centrifuge will connect with a test article provided by the user which will mimic the onboard avionics compartment of a rocket. This will allow the users to observe what the effects of fifty G’s would be on the avionics systems during a launch. Rocketry organizations will be able to use the results of the test to make changes to the avionics prior to an actual launch which will reduce the chances of the avionics separating during ascent, saving money spent on fuel and resources needed to build the rocket and increasing the chances of a successful launch in the future. The overall result of building the proposed centrifuge will be a reduction in failed rocket launches, and in turn the amount of money spent on fuel and resources will be lower. As well, the research opportunities will broaden without concern of a catastrophic setback such as a failed launch.



G-Load Tester for Rocketry Avionics

Not having a way of testing the avionics systems of solid propellant rockets causes the loss of both valuable data and money that was put into the resources used to build the rocket. This could all be caused by the avionics package failing during a launch. The proposed centrifuge design can produce and sustain fifty G’s of acceleration for a minimum of thirty seconds to properly simulate the force experienced during a solid propellant rocket launch. The centrifuge will connect with a test article provided by the user which will mimic the onboard avionics compartment of a rocket. This will allow the users to observe what the effects of fifty G’s would be on the avionics systems during a launch. Rocketry organizations will be able to use the results of the test to make changes to the avionics prior to an actual launch which will reduce the chances of the avionics separating during ascent, saving money spent on fuel and resources needed to build the rocket and increasing the chances of a successful launch in the future. The overall result of building the proposed centrifuge will be a reduction in failed rocket launches, and in turn the amount of money spent on fuel and resources will be lower. As well, the research opportunities will broaden without concern of a catastrophic setback such as a failed launch.