The Vex Robotics Club at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, 2022 - 2023 Competition Season

Faculty Mentor Name

Joel Schipper

Format Preference



VEX U is a competition hosted by the REC Foundation that allows university students to get engaged in hands-on engineering. Each year, teams are provided with a new competition, for which they need to design, build, and program robots specifically suited for. Between seasons, only the base field and robot size constraints remain consistent. Students compete in regional competitions in order to qualify for the World Championship Competition, which is the highest competition a team can compete in for VEX U. Competing allows students to gain engineering experience, networking opportunities, and competition experience. The leadership structure of the club includes the president, vice president/treasurer, robot team leads, and build and programming leads.



The Vex Robotics Club at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, 2022 - 2023 Competition Season

VEX U is a competition hosted by the REC Foundation that allows university students to get engaged in hands-on engineering. Each year, teams are provided with a new competition, for which they need to design, build, and program robots specifically suited for. Between seasons, only the base field and robot size constraints remain consistent. Students compete in regional competitions in order to qualify for the World Championship Competition, which is the highest competition a team can compete in for VEX U. Competing allows students to gain engineering experience, networking opportunities, and competition experience. The leadership structure of the club includes the president, vice president/treasurer, robot team leads, and build and programming leads.