Bathymetric LiDAR: Investigation of Optimal Visible Light for Non-Ideal Aquatic Environments

Faculty Mentor Name

John Pavlina, Parker Landon

Format Preference



The purity of water is a critical factor in various industrial applications, including Bathymetric LiDAR. Bathymetric LiDAR depends on the transmission and reception of laser beams through water to capture underwater topography. The water quality can affect the performance of LiDAR systems, as the impurities and suspended particles lead to light attenuation and scattering, impacting the accuracy and detail of the data. This project's objective is to investigate the relationship between water purity and its effects on visible light spectrum lasers, focusing on light attenuation and scattering methods and quantitatively identify the optimal type of visible light laser for Bathymetric LiDAR applications for different types of suspended particles in impure water. Accurate and detailed underwater mapping relates to fields in defense, security, and space exploration. This includes, but is not limited to: submarine navigation, harbor security, and even moon subsurface water exploration and mapping. By analyzing impure water on laser performance, we can enhance the accuracy and reliability of LiDAR systems in complex settings and contribute to stronger security and new pathways of space exploration.



Bathymetric LiDAR: Investigation of Optimal Visible Light for Non-Ideal Aquatic Environments

The purity of water is a critical factor in various industrial applications, including Bathymetric LiDAR. Bathymetric LiDAR depends on the transmission and reception of laser beams through water to capture underwater topography. The water quality can affect the performance of LiDAR systems, as the impurities and suspended particles lead to light attenuation and scattering, impacting the accuracy and detail of the data. This project's objective is to investigate the relationship between water purity and its effects on visible light spectrum lasers, focusing on light attenuation and scattering methods and quantitatively identify the optimal type of visible light laser for Bathymetric LiDAR applications for different types of suspended particles in impure water. Accurate and detailed underwater mapping relates to fields in defense, security, and space exploration. This includes, but is not limited to: submarine navigation, harbor security, and even moon subsurface water exploration and mapping. By analyzing impure water on laser performance, we can enhance the accuracy and reliability of LiDAR systems in complex settings and contribute to stronger security and new pathways of space exploration.