How Jay and Regina Sterioff Impacted Many Lives in the Days Following 9/11

Presenter / Creator Information

Regina SterioffFollow

Document Type

Personal Reflection

What were you doing on 9/11? (Or, What was your interviewee doing on 9/11?)

On 9/11, my wife and I were returning from vacation in Venice, Italy with arrival at JFK airport in New York. The flight crew knew I was a pilot for the airline returning from vacation. A flight attendant approached to inform me of an aircraft down in New York. The captain shortly after this conversation made a PA to inform all on the aircraft of widespread terrorism across the United States. We proceeded to dump fuel for a return to land in Venice, Italy. Upon arrival, we had an armed escort back to the terminal to find out what was happening. The company took us all to a private room where a live feed of events was being played. Most of the passengers on the aircraft called New York their home and many had friends or relatives working in the World Trade Center. Tears and apprehension gripped the room and we will never forget the feeling. We staged ourselves at a hotel with most of the rest of the passengers; all flights now grounded to the United States. The passengers knowing that we both worked for the company came to us for guidance and information. We monitored the situation and gave status reports to the group every day and built many friendships at a time of need. We had close contact with a couple whose son worked in the Trade Center and the concern of not being able to reach him still is etched in our minds. We recall the relief they felt when they got word, he was safe, and as tears flowed strong bonds were formed. After 5 days in Venice, Italy, we received a communication that the flight may finally be conducted, but to Atlanta and not New York which was still closed. We were able to organize multiple buses for the passengers to get them to the airport with the hope of returning home. The apprehension and longing to be at home with loved ones overwhelmed the scene. We will never forget.

On 9/11, what sector were you (OR your interviewee) in?

Pilot, Non-military


Event Location


How Jay and Regina Sterioff Impacted Many Lives in the Days Following 9/11