Dune Resources
Dune Resourses
About Dune:
- Dune on goodreads
- Frank Herbert's Dune - A guide for futher study
- The Official Dune Website
- Dune Wiki
Faculty and Student Resources:
- Dune Inspired Science Fiction by Ashley Lear
- Student Works from Fall 2013-Spring 2016 featuring papers on:
- Psychological, Philosophical, and Theological Components of Dune
- Terraforming and Climatology of Dune
- Life Sciences, such as human physiology, animals, and the symbolic significance of water and creatures in Dune
- Social and Polital Sciences in Dune
- Military Operations and Strategies in Dune (Fall 2015 and Spring 2016)
Library Links:
- Checkout Dune from The Hunt Library
- Checkout Dune from Volusia County Libraries
Bookstore Links:
- Get a copy from AbeBooks
- Get a copy from Amazon
- Get a copy from Barbes & Noble
Feel free to share other resources in the general discussion thread.
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