
Creation Date
Spring 5-9-2016
Prof. Stephen K. Robinson
Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Davis
Dr. Stephen K. Robinson spent 37 years at NASA, where he worked as a wind-tunnel mechanic, research scientist, aerospace engineer, research manager, and then served 17 years as an astronaut. Robinson flew on four space shuttle missions, including three spacewalks, and has extensive expertise in spacecraft systems, risk management, human/systems integration, space robotics, aerodynamics, and fluid physics. He has held visiting scholar positions at Princeton and MIT, and has received numerous awards, including NASA’s highest honor, the Distinguished Service Medal. Robinson is a UC Davis alumnus in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (B.S., 1978) and received his M.S. (1986) and Ph.D. (1990) from Stanford University in Mechanical and Aero/Astro Engineering. Dr. Robinson returned to the University of California in 2012, and is currently Director of the UC Davis Center for Human/Robotics/Vehicle Integration and Performance.