
Colonel Eric A. Krystkowiak is Commander, 45th Launch Group, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.
The launch group is the 45th Space Wing’s focal point for Department of Defense (DoD), civil and commercial space launch-related activities. The group provides vital operations, engineering and maintenance support for launch vehicles and government satellites prepared and launched on the Eastern Range.
Colonel Krystkowiak entered the Air Force in 1994 as a distinguished graduate from the University of California, Los Angeles, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering. Col Krystkowiak’s experience is in space and intelligence systems, including acquisition, engineering, operations, launch and staff assignments.
He began his career in the Defense Meteorological Systems Program Office as a satellite integration and test manager and later as the launch operations manager. After serving as executive officer to the DMSP system program director, he was assigned to Schriever AFB as the 50th Space Wing lead for the National Reconnaissance Office systems. In 2000, Col Krystkowiak was selected for the Air Force Intern Program, serving two rotations in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence) and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition). In 2002, he was assigned to the Aerospace Data Facility at Buckley AFB, Colorado, where he was the Chief, Business Management Division before transitioning to the operations floor as Mission Director, where he directed a 150-person joint military operations crew and later served as the Assistant Director of Operations. After graduating from the College of Naval Command and Staff at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, he served as the Chief of Acquisition, Space Radar Integrated Program Office, Chantilly, Virginia, followed by Commander, National Reconnaissance Office, Vandenberg AFB, California, where he directed satellite transport, fueling and launch processing operations. Most recently, Col Krystkowiak was Director, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Systems Division, Space and Intelligence Office, Office of the Under Secretary of the Defense of Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the Pentagon, Washington D.C.
1994 Bachelor of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles
1999 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, Alabama
2000 Master of Arts Degree in Organizational Management, The George Washington University, Washington D.C. 2006 Distinguished graduate, College of Naval Command and Staff, Naval War College, Newport R.I.
2006 Master of Arts Degree in National Security and Strategic Studies, College of Naval Command and Staff, Naval War College, Newport Rhode Island
2012 Master of Science Degree in National Resource Strategy, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington D.C.
2012 Senior Acquisition Course, National Defense University, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington D.C.
Sep 94 – Mar 98: Integration and test manager, launch operations and studies manager, and executive officer, Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Office, Los Angeles AFB, California
Mar 98 – Jul 00: National Reconnaissance Office Systems Manager, Deputy Chief, Space Mission Systems Branch, 50th Space Wing Plans and Programs, Schriever AFB, Colorado
Jul 00 – May 02: Intern, Air Force Intern Program, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington D.C.
Jun 02 – Jul 05: Chief, Business Management Division, Mission Director and Assistant Director of Operations, Aerospace Data Facility, Buckley AFB, Colorado
Jul 05 – Jun 06: Student, College of Naval Command and Staff, Naval War College, Newport Rhode Island
Jul 06 – Jun 08: Chief, Spacecraft Branch, later, Chief of Acquisition, Space Radar Integrated Program Office, Chantilly Virginia
Jun 08 – Jun 11: Commander, National Reconnaissance Office Space Launch Squadron Vandenberg AFB, California
Jul 11 – Jun 12: Student, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington D.C.
Jul 12 – Jul 14: Director, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Systems Division, Space and Intelligence Office, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the Pentagon, Washington D.C.
Master Space Badge
Master Acquisition Badge
Defense Superior Service Medal
Defense Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster Meritorious Service Medal with one oak leaf cluster
Air Force Commendation Medal
Air Achievement Medal National Defense Service Medal with star
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Air and Space Campaign Medal with star