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Monday, April 1st
8:00 AM

Design Considerations for the Small Scientific Satellite (S3 )

G. W. Longanecker, Goddard Space Flight Center

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Evolution of the Command Subsystem for the Nimbus Family of Satellites

John Pluth, California Computer Products, Inc.

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Radioisotope Heaters for the Thermal Control

J. K. Evert, Atomics International, Canoga Park, California, A Division of North American Rockwell Corporation

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Test and Evaluation Aspects of the Nimbus II Program Useful to Other Long Life Space Programs

S. Charp, Consulting Scientist, General Electric Company, Missile and Space Division

8:00 AM