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4-1969 8:00 AM


The public is well informed on the many contributions to society which have been made by space systems in the fields of communications, navigation, weather observations, etc.

It is much less informed on the development testing programs which are basic and essential to the success of many of those space systems, manned or unmanned. A large number of space environmental simulation chambers exist throughout the nation owned by government agencies and the aerospace industry. Research performed since the beginning of the space age has made the design, construction and successful operation of these space chambers possible. The USAF has been one of the pioneers in this area of research, and has generated a large quantity of basic information which contributed importantly to virtually all of the many space simulation chambers in the nation today. This research in itself has been responsible for noteworthy spinoff benefits to society well beyond the benefits obtained from the space systems themselves. A general review of this area is the subject of this paper.


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Apr 1st, 8:00 AM

The Unforeseen Background of Space Achievements

The public is well informed on the many contributions to society which have been made by space systems in the fields of communications, navigation, weather observations, etc.

It is much less informed on the development testing programs which are basic and essential to the success of many of those space systems, manned or unmanned. A large number of space environmental simulation chambers exist throughout the nation owned by government agencies and the aerospace industry. Research performed since the beginning of the space age has made the design, construction and successful operation of these space chambers possible. The USAF has been one of the pioneers in this area of research, and has generated a large quantity of basic information which contributed importantly to virtually all of the many space simulation chambers in the nation today. This research in itself has been responsible for noteworthy spinoff benefits to society well beyond the benefits obtained from the space systems themselves. A general review of this area is the subject of this paper.


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