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Thursday, April 1st
8:00 AM

A Low-Power Magnetic Torquer For Satellite Attitude Control

Michael E. Polites, Aerospace Engineer, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Charles A. Gibson, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Alabama

8:00 AM

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Potential Effects of Using Guaranteed Premium in Lieu of Minimum Guaranteed Mechanical Properties of Materials

G. L. Palcheff, Group Engineer Strength, McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company - East

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Thermal Ground Testing of Concorde and Veras or Improvement in French Test Methods and Facilities

G. L. Leroy, SNIAS, France
N'Guyen, SNIAS, France
M. Perrais, CEAT, France
H. Loiseau, ONERA, France

8:00 AM

8:00 AM

Titanium and Superalloy Heat Shield Design for Space Shuttle Application

B. V. Groninger, Project Strength Engineer, Space Shuttle Program, Martin Marietta Corporation

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