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Sunday, April 1st
8:00 AM

Air Force Space Laser Communications

Charles E. Whited, USAF, Chief, Systems Engineering, Air Force Space Laser Communications Program, Deputy for Space Communications Systems, Space and Missile Systems Organization

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Leased Military Space Communication Systems

C. J. Waylan, Navy Space Project Office, Naval Electronic Systems Command

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Military Space Doctrine

David R. McNabb, Dep Chief, Doctrine and Concepts Division, Director of Plans, DCS/OP&R HQ USAF

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8:00 AM

The Utility of Military Crews in Space

Morgan W. Sanborn, Colonel, United States Air Force

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USAFs Role in Space Surveillance

Robert M. Kronebusch, Director of Missile and Space Defense, Plans and Programs, Headquarters Aerospace Defense Command, Colorado Springs, Colorado

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