Start Date

4-1987 8:00 AM


Crew productivity will be a key factor in establishing a cost-effective Space Station design, and considerable effort has been dil(ected over the last several years to make advancements in those technologies that will improve crew productivity and enhance crew comfort. These new technologies include the development of computer. tools to allow system designers to optimize the crew work places in the Space Station (e.g., solid modeling and interior layout evaluation programs) as wel~ as technology· advancements in Space Station eqmpment to minimize or eliminate tedious and/or time-intensive tasks. These latter advancements include: automated inventory management and equipment controls; galley oven, dishwasher, and refrigerator/freezer technologies; housekeeping clotheswasher/ dryer and trash compactor technologies; and personal hygiene improvements in the waste management system and full body shower. A third area of t~chnology advancement is in the development of job aids a~d procedur~l improvements for the everyday operat10n and mamtenance of Space Station equipment and experiments. Advancements in this area include the design of internal station architecture for easy equipment access for maintenance, extra vehicular activity (EVA) space suit and glove design, and procedural aids such as an Operations and Maintenance Information System (OMIS). This paper describes these recent technology advancements and the benefits they will contribute to safety, productivity, and crew comfort in the Space Station era.


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Apr 1st, 8:00 AM

Technology Advancements to I mp rove Crew Productivity in Space

Crew productivity will be a key factor in establishing a cost-effective Space Station design, and considerable effort has been dil(ected over the last several years to make advancements in those technologies that will improve crew productivity and enhance crew comfort. These new technologies include the development of computer. tools to allow system designers to optimize the crew work places in the Space Station (e.g., solid modeling and interior layout evaluation programs) as wel~ as technology· advancements in Space Station eqmpment to minimize or eliminate tedious and/or time-intensive tasks. These latter advancements include: automated inventory management and equipment controls; galley oven, dishwasher, and refrigerator/freezer technologies; housekeeping clotheswasher/ dryer and trash compactor technologies; and personal hygiene improvements in the waste management system and full body shower. A third area of t~chnology advancement is in the development of job aids a~d procedur~l improvements for the everyday operat10n and mamtenance of Space Station equipment and experiments. Advancements in this area include the design of internal station architecture for easy equipment access for maintenance, extra vehicular activity (EVA) space suit and glove design, and procedural aids such as an Operations and Maintenance Information System (OMIS). This paper describes these recent technology advancements and the benefits they will contribute to safety, productivity, and crew comfort in the Space Station era.


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