Howard Johnson Plaza-Hotel, Columbia/ Enterprise Rooms
Start Date
26-4-1990 1:00 PM
End Date
26-4-1990 4:00 PM
Currently planned U.S. civil space activities for the late 1990's into the early 2000 time period will require the development of a new earth-to-orbit unmanned cargo vehicle(s). This system will be designed to support an aggressive space activity, including Space Station Freedom and eventually lunar/planetary exploration programs. Primary mission needs include increased cargo weight and volume capability and lower operating costs.
A mid-90's unmannedcargo vehicle (Shuttle C), which utilizes existing space-qualified STS booster elements, is currently being designed for delivery of 100K-150K Ibs to low earth orbit. Variations of this design plus other concepts that offer very large lift capability of 200K-300K Ibs, still utilizing STS booster elements, will be discussed. An evolutionary pathway, based on STS booster elements, is practical for providing heavy lift capabilities of 100K-300K Ibs.
Paper Session III-A - STS Derivative Cargo Vehicles for the 1990's Decade and Beyond
Howard Johnson Plaza-Hotel, Columbia/ Enterprise Rooms
Currently planned U.S. civil space activities for the late 1990's into the early 2000 time period will require the development of a new earth-to-orbit unmanned cargo vehicle(s). This system will be designed to support an aggressive space activity, including Space Station Freedom and eventually lunar/planetary exploration programs. Primary mission needs include increased cargo weight and volume capability and lower operating costs.
A mid-90's unmannedcargo vehicle (Shuttle C), which utilizes existing space-qualified STS booster elements, is currently being designed for delivery of 100K-150K Ibs to low earth orbit. Variations of this design plus other concepts that offer very large lift capability of 200K-300K Ibs, still utilizing STS booster elements, will be discussed. An evolutionary pathway, based on STS booster elements, is practical for providing heavy lift capabilities of 100K-300K Ibs.
NSTS And Derivatives
Session Chairman: James Madewell, Director, Advanced Programs, Lockheed Space Operations Company, FL
Session Organizer: Mark Foshee, Lockheed Space Operations Company, FL