
Holiday Inn, Manatee Rooms A & B

Start Date

24-4-1991 2:00 PM

End Date

24-4-1991 5:00 PM


USAF Engineering and Services (E&S) is helping the Air Force and the nation build a foundation for a future space infrastructure of high-tech ground stations, advanced launch bases, and space-based facilities. As the nation expands its space operations, and the Air Force leads the DoD space effort, E&S is laying the foundation for near and far term space support. E&S is currently planning for the future by building on its heritage of successful space support and by building on its successful support of today's space infrastructure. By performing its mission and planning for the future, E&S is helping fulfill national, DoD, and Air Force Space Policy. In essence, E&S is helping the nation lay a foundation for the future.

As we look toward the future, E&S is meeting this challenge of building a foundation, by implementing an E&S Space Master Plan. The objectives of this plan, are (1) to successfully support space operations through traditional and expanded E&S roles and (2) exploit space technology to enhance E&S forces and E&5 roles.

This plan contains "building blocks11 which make up the foundation we are striving to build. The building blocks parallel functional roles of E&S in support of the objectives of the plan; they include:

Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance, Infrastructure Acquisition, Environmental Protection, Personnel Education and. Development, Human Services, Readiness, and Technology Transfer.

A strong foundation, containing these building blocks, will help the Ait Force anil the nation build the bridge from today's space operation* to tomorrow 9 B space-based infrastructure. Air Force -Engineering & Services Is implementing a coherent pl.an, to .maximize its space support.


DoD Space Operations

Session Chairman: John S. Boone, Director of Space Operations, Headquarters, Air Force Space Command, Peterson AFB, CO

Session Organizer: William E. Richard, USAF, Eastern Test Range, Navy Ballistic Program Manager, Patrick AFB, FL


Apr 24th, 2:00 PM Apr 24th, 5:00 PM

Paper Session II-C - USAF Engineering and Services Roles in Space Operations: Building the Foundation for our Future Space Infrastructure

Holiday Inn, Manatee Rooms A & B

USAF Engineering and Services (E&S) is helping the Air Force and the nation build a foundation for a future space infrastructure of high-tech ground stations, advanced launch bases, and space-based facilities. As the nation expands its space operations, and the Air Force leads the DoD space effort, E&S is laying the foundation for near and far term space support. E&S is currently planning for the future by building on its heritage of successful space support and by building on its successful support of today's space infrastructure. By performing its mission and planning for the future, E&S is helping fulfill national, DoD, and Air Force Space Policy. In essence, E&S is helping the nation lay a foundation for the future.

As we look toward the future, E&S is meeting this challenge of building a foundation, by implementing an E&S Space Master Plan. The objectives of this plan, are (1) to successfully support space operations through traditional and expanded E&S roles and (2) exploit space technology to enhance E&S forces and E&5 roles.

This plan contains "building blocks11 which make up the foundation we are striving to build. The building blocks parallel functional roles of E&S in support of the objectives of the plan; they include:

Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance, Infrastructure Acquisition, Environmental Protection, Personnel Education and. Development, Human Services, Readiness, and Technology Transfer.

A strong foundation, containing these building blocks, will help the Ait Force anil the nation build the bridge from today's space operation* to tomorrow 9 B space-based infrastructure. Air Force -Engineering & Services Is implementing a coherent pl.an, to .maximize its space support.


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