Howard Johnson Plaza-Hotel, Challenger Main Ballroom
Start Date
27-4-1993 2:00 PM
End Date
27-4-1993 5:00 PM
The United States is approaching the 21st century with it's space launch community providing only 1960 technology systems with unimpressive success records and with serious deficiencies in operational responsiveness and commercial viability. The current expendable systems have demonstrated launch success ratios of 0.85 to 0.95 with launch costs two to five times higher than the world class competition. The present U.S. Space Launch Infrastructure cannot support achievement of our National Space goals for Defense, Space Communication, SSF Logistics, and Exploration. Over the past 10 years, we have witnessed our share of the commercial satellites launched dwindle from 100% to less than 25%. We recovered from a series of major launch failures in the mid '80's but have been plagued again in '91 and '92 with major launch system failures.
Paper Session I-B - Reliability, Recovery, and Reuse the Three R's of a National Launch Strategy
Howard Johnson Plaza-Hotel, Challenger Main Ballroom
The United States is approaching the 21st century with it's space launch community providing only 1960 technology systems with unimpressive success records and with serious deficiencies in operational responsiveness and commercial viability. The current expendable systems have demonstrated launch success ratios of 0.85 to 0.95 with launch costs two to five times higher than the world class competition. The present U.S. Space Launch Infrastructure cannot support achievement of our National Space goals for Defense, Space Communication, SSF Logistics, and Exploration. Over the past 10 years, we have witnessed our share of the commercial satellites launched dwindle from 100% to less than 25%. We recovered from a series of major launch failures in the mid '80's but have been plagued again in '91 and '92 with major launch system failures.
Session Chairman: Steven C. Stadler, USAF, DCS/ Requirements, Headquarters
Session Organizer: Mike Rampino, USAF, Studies & Analysis Officer