Holiday Inn, Manatee Rooms A & B
Start Date
29-4-1993 1:00 PM
End Date
29-4-1993 4:00 PM
The medical instrument MEDITRAIN r (patented) is a computer controlled electromechanical ergometer, which can be used in the neuro-physiological and metabolic analysis of the human motoric system and can be applied in the training, diagnostics & rehabilitation of muscles of the upper or lower extremities.
The design is based on the flight hardware experiment "MOTOMIR", which was developed in the context of the joint Austro-Soviet Space Mission AUSTROMIR to the MIR Space Station. "MOTOMIR" was launched in August 1991 and was in use aboard the space station for basic muscle research and training of the Cosmonauts up to August 1992.
The functional principle of MEDITRAIN is based on the generation of precisely defined motion patterns through velocity controlled translatoric movement of two handles, to which the arms or legs of the patient are latched. These movements can be pre-defined as series of cyclic or acyclic runs of variable duration and velocity between defined start and end points. Via strain gauges in the handles, the isometric, concentric and eccentric forces exerted by the respective muscles are recorded in relation to the position & velocity of the handles (i.e. in relation to the angle and velocity of the respective extremity). In parallel, Electro-Myographic (EMG), Electro-Oculargraphic (EOG) and Electro-Cardiographic (ECG) measurements are performed and correlated to the force and machine data.
MEDITRAIN currently offers up to 32 analog channels operating at a standard sampling rate of 1 kHz. All measurement data can be displayed in real-time and are stored together with the personal data of the respective patient.
Paper Session III-C - From Motomir to Meditrain: Medical Instrumentation as Spin-Off from Space Application
Holiday Inn, Manatee Rooms A & B
The medical instrument MEDITRAIN r (patented) is a computer controlled electromechanical ergometer, which can be used in the neuro-physiological and metabolic analysis of the human motoric system and can be applied in the training, diagnostics & rehabilitation of muscles of the upper or lower extremities.
The design is based on the flight hardware experiment "MOTOMIR", which was developed in the context of the joint Austro-Soviet Space Mission AUSTROMIR to the MIR Space Station. "MOTOMIR" was launched in August 1991 and was in use aboard the space station for basic muscle research and training of the Cosmonauts up to August 1992.
The functional principle of MEDITRAIN is based on the generation of precisely defined motion patterns through velocity controlled translatoric movement of two handles, to which the arms or legs of the patient are latched. These movements can be pre-defined as series of cyclic or acyclic runs of variable duration and velocity between defined start and end points. Via strain gauges in the handles, the isometric, concentric and eccentric forces exerted by the respective muscles are recorded in relation to the position & velocity of the handles (i.e. in relation to the angle and velocity of the respective extremity). In parallel, Electro-Myographic (EMG), Electro-Oculargraphic (EOG) and Electro-Cardiographic (ECG) measurements are performed and correlated to the force and machine data.
MEDITRAIN currently offers up to 32 analog channels operating at a standard sampling rate of 1 kHz. All measurement data can be displayed in real-time and are stored together with the personal data of the respective patient.
30 Years of Progress, Spinoffs from Space Technology
Session Chairman: Doris J. Rouse, Director, NASA Technology Applications Team, Research Triangle Institute
Session Organizer: Don Capone, Southern Technology Application Center, Kennedy Space Center