Holiday Inn, Manatee Rooms A & B
Start Date
27-4-1994 1:00 PM
End Date
27-4-1994 4:00 PM
This paper will concentrate on STP experiments which have made valuable input to improved DOD space operations, including a brief review of space operations related experiments flown in the 1967-1989 time period and a more detailed discussion of experiments flown in the recent past (1990-1993). The paper will conclude with a brief discussion of planned future STP experiments related to space operations.
Paper Session II-C - Recent DOD Space Test Program Experiments Which Have Contributed to Military Space Operations
Holiday Inn, Manatee Rooms A & B
This paper will concentrate on STP experiments which have made valuable input to improved DOD space operations, including a brief review of space operations related experiments flown in the 1967-1989 time period and a more detailed discussion of experiments flown in the recent past (1990-1993). The paper will conclude with a brief discussion of planned future STP experiments related to space operations.
DOD Space Operations
Session Chairman: Owen Jensen, 14th Air Force/ CV
Session Organizer: Stephen L. Mitchell, 45th Operations Group