Panel Session III- Dividends on Earth From Space: An Overview of the Products and Services Produced Here on Earth Through the Application of Space-Derived Technology


Howard Johnson Plaza-Hotel, Challenger Main Ballroom

Start Date

28-4-1994 8:30 AM

End Date

28-4-1994 11:30 AM


Panel Session III - Dividends on Earth From Space: An Overview of the Products and Services Produced Here on Earth Through the Application of Space-Derived Technology

Panel Chairperson: Gregory Reck, Director, Advanced Concepts and Technology Office, NASA Headquarters


Team members from NASA Technology Transfer Office Network

This session will address the historical and continuing flow of benefits to mankind in general, and the U.S. Industries specifically, from the direct and secondary applications of NASA technology. Several examples of new products and processes now in the market place will be discussed.


No other information or file available for this session.


Apr 28th, 8:30 AM Apr 28th, 11:30 AM

Panel Session III- Dividends on Earth From Space: An Overview of the Products and Services Produced Here on Earth Through the Application of Space-Derived Technology

Howard Johnson Plaza-Hotel, Challenger Main Ballroom

Panel Session III - Dividends on Earth From Space: An Overview of the Products and Services Produced Here on Earth Through the Application of Space-Derived Technology

Panel Chairperson: Gregory Reck, Director, Advanced Concepts and Technology Office, NASA Headquarters


Team members from NASA Technology Transfer Office Network

This session will address the historical and continuing flow of benefits to mankind in general, and the U.S. Industries specifically, from the direct and secondary applications of NASA technology. Several examples of new products and processes now in the market place will be discussed.