Holiday Inn, Manatee Rooms A & B
Start Date
27-4-1995 2:00 PM
End Date
27-4-1995 4:00 PM
I would like to address the theme of space, technology and education from the pragmatist's perspective and how Challenger Center's network is using space exploration and technology to make a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of children each year.
Paper Session III-C - Touching the Future: Space and Technology in Education
Holiday Inn, Manatee Rooms A & B
I would like to address the theme of space, technology and education from the pragmatist's perspective and how Challenger Center's network is using space exploration and technology to make a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of children each year.
Education, Space for Tomorrow
Session Chairman: William E. Lavinghousez, Associate Director of Education and Technology at the Center for Space Education
Session Organizer: Vickie Neal