
Holiday Inn, Manatee Rooms A & B

Start Date

27-4-1995 2:00 PM

End Date

27-4-1995 4:00 PM


The SPACE Program is in its third year of operation. Three student teams participated the first year and six the second with all teams coming from high schools in the Albuquerque area. This year the program has expanded to thirteen teams in both middle and high schools involving approximately 170 students. A team outside the Albuquerque area is being piloted in the town of Moriarty. Since this is some distance from Phillips Laboratory the mentors meet with the students once a month and communicate by e-mail the remainder of the time.


Education, Space for Tomorrow

Session Chairman: William E. Lavinghousez, Associate Director of Education and Technology at the Center for Space Education

Session Organizer: Vickie Neal


Apr 27th, 2:00 PM Apr 27th, 4:00 PM

Paper Session III-C - Space Based Education Outreach

Holiday Inn, Manatee Rooms A & B

The SPACE Program is in its third year of operation. Three student teams participated the first year and six the second with all teams coming from high schools in the Albuquerque area. This year the program has expanded to thirteen teams in both middle and high schools involving approximately 170 students. A team outside the Albuquerque area is being piloted in the town of Moriarty. Since this is some distance from Phillips Laboratory the mentors meet with the students once a month and communicate by e-mail the remainder of the time.


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