Howard Johnson Plaza-Hotel, Atlantis/ Discovery Rooms
Start Date
23-4-1996 2:00 PM
End Date
23-4-1996 5:00 PM
When the ARIANE Programme was decided, it took knowledge of the EUROPA launch Vehicle development experience.
What was wrong in the first Europe attempt to built a high performance launch vehicle in order to get it’s own autonomy to space access? Certainly not the technology nor the technical skillfulness. What was in fact the main source of all the difficulties encountered with EUROPA was a lack of management, a lack of coordination, a lack of leadership in all the programme aspects.
Paper Session I-A - A Launch Vehicle and Facilities Optimized Operational Managment: A Key To The Efficiency For A Space Transportation Company
Howard Johnson Plaza-Hotel, Atlantis/ Discovery Rooms
When the ARIANE Programme was decided, it took knowledge of the EUROPA launch Vehicle development experience.
What was wrong in the first Europe attempt to built a high performance launch vehicle in order to get it’s own autonomy to space access? Certainly not the technology nor the technical skillfulness. What was in fact the main source of all the difficulties encountered with EUROPA was a lack of management, a lack of coordination, a lack of leadership in all the programme aspects.
Current and Future Launch Vehicles and Facilities
Session Chairman: Jerry Cobb, Director, Business Development, Lockheed Launch Vehicle
Session Organizer: Tony Fresina