
Howard Johnson Plaza-Hotel

Start Date

28-4-1998 2:00 PM


"Space science can strengthen American education and enhance
scientific and technological literacy by engaging people's imagination
and strengthening their interest in science and exploration. The results
of space science missions have literally revealed the universe through
new eyes and opened up new worlds to explore and understand. The
awe-inspiring missions, rich data bases, and creative talents of the space
science community can have a powerful and positive effect on science,
technology, and mathematics education for all students and on the public understanding and
appreciation of science."

This excerpt was taken from "Partners in Education: A Strategy for Integrating Education and Public
Outreach into NASA's Space Science Programs". It indicates the importance and value NASA's Office of
Space Science places on education and the public's understanding of science. It also represents a challenge to the space community as a whole that the quality and quantity of future space leaders is directly
dependent upon their collective ability to revitalize science education.

The following begins with a discussion about technology literacy, its value in the marketplace and its
relationship to our K-16 educational system. It then focuses on the impact and importance of educational
partnerships with the science community as a means of bringing real world science and technical resources
to the K-12 classroom. And finally, It takes a look at a new partnership oriented, Internet based
program, the Internet Science and Technology Fair. It is designed to nationally stimulate technology
literacy in the classroom thereby encouraging students to pursue technical professions.


Session Chairman: William Evan Lavinghousez, School Board of Brevard County

Session Organizer: Dr. Gale Allen/Jane Masconi


Apr 28th, 2:00 PM

Paper Session I-D - Internet Science and TechnologyFair

Howard Johnson Plaza-Hotel

"Space science can strengthen American education and enhance
scientific and technological literacy by engaging people's imagination
and strengthening their interest in science and exploration. The results
of space science missions have literally revealed the universe through
new eyes and opened up new worlds to explore and understand. The
awe-inspiring missions, rich data bases, and creative talents of the space
science community can have a powerful and positive effect on science,
technology, and mathematics education for all students and on the public understanding and
appreciation of science."

This excerpt was taken from "Partners in Education: A Strategy for Integrating Education and Public
Outreach into NASA's Space Science Programs". It indicates the importance and value NASA's Office of
Space Science places on education and the public's understanding of science. It also represents a challenge to the space community as a whole that the quality and quantity of future space leaders is directly
dependent upon their collective ability to revitalize science education.

The following begins with a discussion about technology literacy, its value in the marketplace and its
relationship to our K-16 educational system. It then focuses on the impact and importance of educational
partnerships with the science community as a means of bringing real world science and technical resources
to the K-12 classroom. And finally, It takes a look at a new partnership oriented, Internet based
program, the Internet Science and Technology Fair. It is designed to nationally stimulate technology
literacy in the classroom thereby encouraging students to pursue technical professions.


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