Radisson Resort at the Port, Martinique Room
Start Date
2-5-2000 1:00 PM
KSC Associate Director for Advanced Development and Shuttle Upgrades identified the project need as a result of National Academy of Engineering visit
Academy asked NASA-KSC to pursue a pilot module for a self-paced, highly interactive Web-based course with the ability to provide longitudinal data on target users (7th grade females)
KSC identified an incubator company in Cocoa, FL; with distance learning software architectures and relevant experience
Proposal received from RWD in September 1999
Funding on the order of $48K obtained from end of year training dollars (Fund Source 41)
Paper Session I-C - Launchpad to Learning
Radisson Resort at the Port, Martinique Room
KSC Associate Director for Advanced Development and Shuttle Upgrades identified the project need as a result of National Academy of Engineering visit
Academy asked NASA-KSC to pursue a pilot module for a self-paced, highly interactive Web-based course with the ability to provide longitudinal data on target users (7th grade females)
KSC identified an incubator company in Cocoa, FL; with distance learning software architectures and relevant experience
Proposal received from RWD in September 1999
Funding on the order of $48K obtained from end of year training dollars (Fund Source 41)