Radisson Resort at the Port, Jamaica Room
Start Date
2-5-2000 1:00 PM
Currently, Expendable Launch Vehicles (ELVs) and the Space Shuttle require substantial support from launch ranges. The Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLVs) forecast to become operational over the next decade will represent completely new vehicles with significantly different operational approaches as well as unique technical characteristics. In addition, the RLVs now being planned will be operated as commercial vehicles with profit as a primary goal; operations costs previously considered as essentially trivial will come under new scrutiny. What will all of this mean to the launch ranges?
Paper Session I-A - Range Support Requirements in the RLV Operations Era
Radisson Resort at the Port, Jamaica Room
Currently, Expendable Launch Vehicles (ELVs) and the Space Shuttle require substantial support from launch ranges. The Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLVs) forecast to become operational over the next decade will represent completely new vehicles with significantly different operational approaches as well as unique technical characteristics. In addition, the RLVs now being planned will be operated as commercial vehicles with profit as a primary goal; operations costs previously considered as essentially trivial will come under new scrutiny. What will all of this mean to the launch ranges?