Radisson Resort at the Port, Martinique Room
Start Date
3-5-2000 2:00 PM
Gaseous Chemical detection at trace levels is important to the space industry both for the safety of ground support equipment and space faring vessels. Gaseous point sensors are mature enough that inexpensive, small, and robust devices perform comparably to their bulkier, intricately complex, high-maintenance mass spectrometer counterparts. In particular, we will present an overview of technology for hydrogen and oxygen point sensors and display data for sensors of current technologies that represent today’s state of the art point sensors. In the light of this technology, new developments and direction for the future of point sensor devices will be discussed. Hydrogen and oxygen sensor technology may carry over to other gas species with minimal effort and cost. We will also demonstrate how gaseous point-sensor technologies may be applied as novel solutions to future space applications as well as to modern industrial needs.
Paper Session II-C - Advancements in Chemical-gas Species-specific Point-sensors
Radisson Resort at the Port, Martinique Room
Gaseous Chemical detection at trace levels is important to the space industry both for the safety of ground support equipment and space faring vessels. Gaseous point sensors are mature enough that inexpensive, small, and robust devices perform comparably to their bulkier, intricately complex, high-maintenance mass spectrometer counterparts. In particular, we will present an overview of technology for hydrogen and oxygen point sensors and display data for sensors of current technologies that represent today’s state of the art point sensors. In the light of this technology, new developments and direction for the future of point sensor devices will be discussed. Hydrogen and oxygen sensor technology may carry over to other gas species with minimal effort and cost. We will also demonstrate how gaseous point-sensor technologies may be applied as novel solutions to future space applications as well as to modern industrial needs.