The Space Visions Congress was a bridge between the old Space Congress and the new. The first Space Congress was held when space was the sole purview of governments and we were racing the Soviet Union to the Moon. In 2004 that all changed with the flight of Space Ship One, which was built by Scaled Composites using private funds. Now there are dozens of companies that are developing spacecraft without government assistance and for non-government customers. In fact, many of them intend on providing trips into space for the average person.
Just as the world has changed, so must Space Congress. To meet the needs of the community, Space Congress had to evolve. After a hiatus, it was determined that there was still a need for the space community to come together to discuss the latest breakthroughs and developments. The major difference was that the community was larger and contained groups and companies not working on government projects. For Space Congress to be in the forefront of space development, it had to expand and include private groups from all over the world.
Space Visions Congress was a way to develop the new format Space Congress and wring out some of the bugs without experiencing crushing expense. It was a way to develop new ties and begin working with the new space companies. It was a way for the old guard to meet and begin working with the new guard. It was a prelude to the future. 2008 will see the rebirth of Space Congress using the lessons learned from SVC and the integration of old space with new space.
I do want to thank those who traveled far to be a part of history and to help us make a new beginning. I look forward to seeing you in 2008.
George R. Tyson