Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-03
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Basic School
- Church Supper
- Instructors' School
- Guarany Family
- Sandy Saunders' Sport Comments
- Diamond Ball
- Softball At Clube Tiete
- Sports Comments
- Pinheiros Club 40 - Escola Tecnica 38
- The Students' Keyhole
- Escola Tecnica 28 - Pinheiros Club 20
- Seccao Dos Cadetes Estudantes
- "Crepusculo De Dor"
- "Escrevendo Para Voce"
- "A Poesia De Rodrigues De Abreu"
- "Felicidade "Quinta Turma"
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-03
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- The Students' Keyhole
- Temporario
- My Specialization
- Aircraft Mechanics
- Why I Like Instruments
- Welcome
- Instructors' School
- Family Guarany
- Guest Column
- The Innocents Abroad
- About You and You and You!
- Sandy Saunder's Sport Comments
- Sports Comments
- Seccao Dos Cadetes Estudantes
- "Notas Folkloristicas"
- O Brasil E As Proximas Olimpiadas
- "Problema Do Livro"
- "Para Voces, Cadetes Irmaos"
- "Layla"
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-03
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- The Engine Department
- Welcome
- Instructors' School
- "The Innocents Abroad"
- Personnel Vignettes
- S.O.S.
- Inside Brazil
- Family Guarany
- Elmer the Americano
- Import NT Visitors
- Sandy Saunder's Sport Comments
- Soft Ball At Clube Tiete
- Sports Comments
- Seccao Dos Cadetes Estudantes
- "Sao Paulo"
- "Os Meios De Conducao Em S.Paulo"
- "Que Sorte"
- "Pequeno Conto"
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-03
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- The Aircraft Department
- Welcome
- Instructors' School
- "The Innocents Abroad"
- Fifth Floor Flurries
- Family Guarany
- Open Letters
- Greetings to Mr. Allen
- Sandy Saunders Sport Comments
- Escola Tecnica 30 - U.S. Army A. C. 28
- The Students' Keyhole
- Noticias - Por J. Pontual
- Seccao Dos Cadetes Esrudantes
- "Um Pouco De Catecismo"
- "Meu Programa"
- "Seccao Dos Objectos Achados"
- "Frases Da Semana"
- "Telegrams"
- "Minha Despedida"
- "Helice"
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-03
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- The Students' Keyhole
- Instructors' School
- Visitors
- Visitas
- Guarany Family
- Sports Comments
- "A Bonde Limma"
- Happy Birthday!
- "Anceios Da Mocidade"
- "Congresso da Juventude Pela Vitoria"
- "Azas Para A Vitoria"
- "Revolta"
- "Felicid De"
- "Cronica"
- "Vitoria"
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-04
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- A Escola Pesta Homenagem Ao Presidente Vargas
- Escola De Instructores
- A Snrta. Tarboux Agora Ensina Matematica
- Noticias Dos Estudantes
- Departamento De Link
- Comentario Esportivo De Sandy Saunders
- Boliche
- Bola Ao Cesto
- Comentario Esportivo
- Cantinho Dos Estudantes
- Cantinho Dos Estudantes
- Seccao Dos Cadetes Estudantes
- "Petropolis"
- "Agradecimento"
- Humorismo
- "Recordar e Viver"
- Eis - Medevolta
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-04
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Esmagando O Adolfo
- School Honors Pres. Vargas
- Stokely Elected President of Instructors' Council
- William Agricola Bids Adieu To Friends
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- What Did You Do Today
- O Que Voce Fez Hoje?
- Robert E. Hoose and Armand Williams
- The Innocents Abroad
- Tiradentes, Martyr of the Brazilian Independence
- Arnold Receives Another Gold Medal
- Instructors' School
- Sandy Saunders' Sports Comments
- The Students' Keyhole
- Seccao Dos Cadetes Estudantes
- "Noticias Dos: Estudantes"
- "Anor Patrio"
- "Retrospecto"
- "Caninho Da Vida"
- The Students' Keyhole
- School Honors Pres. Vargas
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-04
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Military Aviation in Brasil
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- "The Innocents Abroad"
- Sandy Saunders' Sports Section
- Sports Comments
- The Students' Keyhole
- An Announcement
- Banking Information
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-05
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Special Inauguration Edition
- Sua Exelencia Dr. Getulio Vargas
- Pres. Vargas Inaugurates Escola Tecnica De Aviacao
- Escola Tecnica De Aviacao
- Air Minister Dr. Saldado Makes Stirring Inauguration Address
- The Life of Santos Dumont
- Seccao dos Cadetes Estudantes
- The Instructors' School
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- The Students' Keyhole
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-05
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Important Event in History of Escola Tecnica De Aviacao
- Air Minister's Foresight Builds Formidable Brasilian Air Force
- School Commandant Receives Merited Advance in Rank
- Prominent Officials Attend Pres. Vargas on Inauguration Day
- Seccao dos Cadetes Estudantes
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- In Which We Take A Trip To Caldas
- The Students' Keyhole
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- Lt. Villela Becomes Member of Papel Pega-Mosca Staff
- President Shows Famous Smile Upon Return to White House
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-05
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Chief of Brasilian-United States Defense Commission
- Praises Progress Shown By Escola Tecnica De Aviacao
- The Qualities and Services of an Illustrious Military Man
- Defense Minister of Uruguay Makes Visit
- Seccao dos Cadetes Estudantes
- Observatorio Astronomico Visited by Escola Personnel
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- Tailspins
- In Which We Take A Trip To Caldas
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- The Students' Keyhole
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-06
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- High Ranking Officers Visit School
- Especialistas Soldadores de Aviao
- Something About Welding
- Aircraft Welding Department
- Stahl Becomes Acting Director
- Typical Brasilian Feasts
- Seccao dos Estudantes
- Corpo Expedicionario Brasileiro
- Desvendando O Futuro
- A Banda Musical Da Esc Ola Tecnica De Aviacao
- Especialistas Soldadores De Aviao
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- Alunadas...
- What's Fazing...
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- The Students' Keyhole
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-06
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Comandante Da 4 Zona Aerea
- Brigadeiro Do Ar Appel Netto
- Brig. Appel Netto True Friend of Escola Tecnica de Aviacao
- Newly Arrived Instructors From Miami
- What's Fazing
- Guaruja
- Seccao dos Cadetes Estudantes
- Saturday Morning Inspection by the Colonel and Staff
- The Basic Hand Tool Course
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- In Which We Take A Trip To Caldas
- The Cadet Bugle Corps
- Papel-Pega Mosca Sports Comments
- Language Taught Cadets Used in Technical Subjects
- The Students' Keyhole
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-06
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Engines Important in Aviation
- Aircraft Engines Department
- Do Motor Depende a Vida do Pilotos
- Seccao dos Estudantes
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- Alunadas...
- What's Fazing
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- The Students' Keyhole
- Personnel Changes
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-06
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Escola Tecnica De Aviacao
- Making Important Contribution To Aviation History of Brasil
- A First Glance At Instruments
- Aircraft Instruments Department
- Instrumentos De Bordo
- Seccso dos Cadetes Estudantes
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- Cadet...Adas
- What's Fazing
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- The Students' Keyhole
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-06
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Juntos Para A Independencia
- Secao De Publicidade Fazendo Belo Trabalho
- Electrical Dictionary Compiled
- Administracao Militar Organisando Cerimonias Para o Dia 4 de Julho
- Seccao dos Alunos
- "Filmes Da Semana"
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- Alunadas
- What's Fazing...
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- Soukup Experienced Welding Instructor
- The Students' Keyhole
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-07
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Link Teaches Instrument Flying
- Agradecimento
- Departamento Link
- Fibra De Brasileiro
- Conferencias na E.T.Av. pelo Dr. Arauld Bretas
- Interessante "Show" Dedicado Aos Alunos Da E.T.Av.Visitas Ilustres
- Seccao dos Alunos
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- What's Fazing
- Alunadas...
- The Students' Keyhole
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-07
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Oito Meses De Proficua Existencia
- Director Blakeley Returns
- Durant Elected President of Instructors' Council
- Rotarians Hail "Chicagoan" of South America
- Seccao dos Alunos
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- Alunadas...
- What's Fazing
- The Students' Keyhole
- New Arrivals
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-07
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Comemoracoes Do Dia 4 De Julho
- Aircraft Course Covers Many Subjects
- Departmento De Avioes
- Especialistas De Aviao
- Seccao dos Alunos
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- Alunadas...
- What's Fazing
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- The Students' Keyhole
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-07
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Ordem Do Dia
- Breve Alocucao
- Brigadeiro Do Ar Ivan Carpenter Ferreira
- Gene Tunney Na Escola Tecnica De Aviacao
- Visita Ilustres
- Visita do Prof. Barbosa Correia
- A Homenagem Dos Alunos Na Palavra De Aziz Elias
- Alfio Vieira
- Nobreza De Sargento
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- Seccao dos Alunos
- Problema "Cruz De Malta"
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- Alunadas...
- What's Fazing
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-08
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Prelude to a Journey to the Moon
- Conferencia Na E.T.Av. Pelo Cel Avidor Godofredo Vidal
- An Expression of Gratitude!
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- Life Savers of the Air
- Departamento De Paraquedas
- Michel has long experience with "Link Trainer"
- Seccao dos Alunos
- "Despedida"
- Minha Tarde Inesquecivel
- Um Minuto De Silencio
- Aniversario
- Aguas Do Mar
- Surge O Cesto-Bol Na Escola Tecnica De Aviacao
- What's Fazing...
- Alunadas...
- New Arrivals
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-08
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Ministro Da aeronautic Dr. Salgado Filho Preside A Cerimonia Da Graduacao
- A E. T. Av. Se Rejubila Com A Formatura Do Primeiro Contingente De Especialistas Para A Fab.
- Mr. Blakeley's Speech
- Os Graduados
- Alunos Da Associacao Taquigrafica Paulista, Visitam A E. T. Av.
- Mais Um Grande "Show" Realizado Na E. T. Av.
- Federacao Brasileira De Escoteiros Do Ar
- Primeira Graduacao De Alunos Da Escola Tecnica De Aviacao
- Seccao dos Alunos
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- Alunadas...
- What's Fazing...
- The Students' Keyhole
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-09
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Just What Is This Cycleweld
- Williams in Radio for 23 Years
- Radio - Indispensable to Flying
- Radio Department
- Sociedade Dos Ex-Alunos Da E.T.Av.
- Visitas Ilustres
- A Testimonial to the Medical Center
- O Dr. Jaime Americano visita a E. T. Av.
- Uma Brasileira No Paraquedismo
- Vila Brasil Nos Estados Unidos
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- Seccao dos Alunos
- What's Fazing
- Alunadas...
- The Students' Keyhole
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-09
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- "Independencia Ou Morte" O Brado Que Proclamou A Emancipacao Politica Do Brasil
- Atividades Do Centro Medico
- Partial Views of the Medical Center
- "Surprise Baby Shower"
- New York to Rio in 20 Hours
- Nossos Graduados Fora Da Escola
- Visitantes
- Seccao dos Alunos
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- Iniciado Com Grande Exito, O "Show Da Boa Vontade"
- What's Fazing
- Alunadas...
- The Students' Keyhole
- Romance in Brazil
- Agradecimento
- AOS Candidatos A E. T. Av.
Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-09
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
- Outro Contingente De Especialists Para A Forca Aerea Brasileira
- Encerrado Brilhantemente O Concurso Anual De Aeromodelismo
- Cantinho Da Biblioteca
- New Arrivals
- Not "Good-Bye" But "Ate' Logo"
- Seccao dos Alunos
- Papel Pega-Mosca Sports Comments
- What's Fazing
- Alunadas...
- Students' Keyhole
- Lista dos Oficiais da Escola Tecnica de Aviaco
The Papel Pega-Mosca was a Portuguese language edition of the Embry-Riddle Fly Paper newsletter published by Embry-Riddle's school in Brazil, Escola Técnica de Aviacão. The newsletter was published from 1940 to 1957, and it contained news and information about the school, as well as articles about aviation and aerospace topics. The Papel Pega-Mosca was an important resource for students and alumni of the school, and it helped to promote aviation education in Brazil.
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