Date of Award

Fall 1998

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Aeronautical Science


Aeronautical Science

Committee Chair

John A. Wise

Committee Member

Gerald D. Gibb

Committee Member

Ed Winkfer


This study was the second of two studies to evaluate the use of a pseudo three-dimensional display to present information about future possible conflicts. The purpose of this study was to evaluate variations of a cockpit screen display that transfers relevant data to the pilot in a manner which is easy to interpret and to facilitate the possible stressful situations that may be encountered due to the proposed free flight environment. In the first phase, three display concepts, using three different screen designs were compared. In this study, three different displays, all of which used using the space-time predictor concept developed in the previous study, were compared for utility and acceptability. Eighteen pilots were tested. The results support the Pilot's perspective display (from the previous study) as the most effective display for conflict avoidance. The results also highlighted some areas of concern that are discussed.
