Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University provides access to master’s theses submitted since 1988.
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Each Daytona Beach master’s degree candidate is required to submit a copy of his or her master’s thesis to the Hunt Library in electronic and print formats. The electronic version of the thesis will be uploaded to Scholarly Commons. For more information on submitting a master’s thesis, please consult Thesis Binding and Submission Process.
Since the inception of Scholarly Commons, requests by researchers from other institutions (academic, commercial, military, and government) to read our graduate research theses have grown tremendously, and continue to increase every semester. To meet this demand, ERAU began offering our entire Master’s Theses collection as open access in December 2016.
For Dissertation and Thesis submission information please visit the PhD Dissertation and Master's Thesis Homepage.
If you do not wish your thesis to be open access, please email your name and title of your thesis to commons@erau.edu. Your thesis will be restricted to ERAU students, faculty, and staff within three business days.
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2024
In-situ Characterization and Machine Learning Applications for Composite Processing, Pragathi Agraharam Chan
Optimization of a Plate Beam System for Energy Harvesting Using a Piezoelectric Material, Jose Manuel Almendros Espantaleon
Measuring the Ion Temperature of a Plasma Jet Undergoing Instability-Driven Heating, Mario Avila
Characterization and Analysis of Supersonic Flow Through De Laval Nozzles at Varied Design Conditions, Sarah Baird
A Low-Complexity Algorithm for Trajectory Generation in the Three-Body Problem, Brian P. Baker-McEvilly
Development of On-The-Fly Quasi-Steady State Approximation for Chemical Kinetics in CFD, Abhinav Balamurugan
Assessing General Propulsion Architectures for Fast Transit Times to Mars for Crewed Missions, Vivek Bhatt
Starfish: A Compact, Biomimetic, and Adaptive Shape Memory Alloy Orbital Debris Remover, Katelyn Branaman
Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Pilot Parameter Estimation and Pilot-Induced Oscillation Characterization, Stephen A. Brutch
Machine Learning Based Analysis Of Civil Infrastructure In The Presence Of Sparse Data, Megan Butcher
Optimization of Human Interactions in the College Campus Model Via Simio Integration, Benjamin E. Chaback
Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols and ML-based Enhancements for UAV-Assisted Post-Disaster Communication Networks, Prachi Choudhary
Heat Transfer to Arrays of Oscillating Impingement Jets, Alex Q. Clay
RIDDS: Removal of Irregular Debris Using Double Nets, Kayann Coote
Numerical Study in Wind Energy Extraction from Controlled Limit-Cycle Oscillations in Modified Glauert Airfoil, Ethan L. Deweese
Adaptive Control and Estimation of the Center of Mass of a 5-degree-of-freedom Spacecraft Testbed, Pol Fontdegloria Balaguer
Machine Learning-Aided Aerospace Applications with Generative Adversarial Networks, Gabriela Carolina Gavilanez Gallardo
Refinement of a Regional Storm Surge Mesh for High-Resolution Topographic Representation of Volusia County, Morgan Harbin
TI Nano Powder Speckle Pattern Creation and Use in DIC of ZnO Modified Single Carbon Fibers, James Matthew Harris
Durability Assessment and Service Life Prediction of Concrete in Extreme Aggressive Environment, Mohamed Ismail
A Comparison of Beamforming Characteristics in Isotropic and Composite Plate Structures for use in Structural Health Monitoring, Sarah Ketchersid
Heat Transfer In Tightly Packed Cylinder Arrays, Martin Kovachev
Impacts of Space Launch Operations on Florida East Coast Airspace Users, Sakurako Kuba
Data Intensive Method For Processing Defect Detection and Mitigation For Composites, Deepak Kumar
Safety Investigation of Crash Rates During Hurricane Evacuations, Amelia K. Lawson
Mitigating Engine Unstart in Scramjets with Porous Bleeders, Ryan Lindley
Assessing The Impact Of Spacecraft Fragmentation In The Cislunar Region, Marta Lopez Castro
Evaluating Flight Crew Decision-Making Through Part 121 Taxi Operations, Grant Marsh
Low Cost Magnetometer Calibration and Distributed Simultaneous Multipoint Ionospheric Measurements from a Sounding Rocket Platform, Joshua W. Milford
Development of Eagle3D Solver For Wall Modeled LES of Transonic Flows, Spencer Moore
Dynamic Estimation of Large-Scale Flow Events in Open Cavity Flows, Alexandre Mota
BEAMED: A Bench for Automated Measurements of Electrical Discharges - A New Standard for Paschen Curves, Jared Nelson
Enabling Hybrid Optical-Microwave Space Communications with Optically Transparent RF Components Using Indium Tin Oxide (ITO), John T. O'Keefe
Assessment of Improvement in Unpaved Roadway Performance Using 3D Geogrids Under Cyclic Loading, Munibhaskar Pagadala
Full-Scale Testing Of A Passively Modulated Oil-To-Air Cooler, Dominic Perito
Studying the Performance of Object Recognition with Fusion of Visible Light and Infrared Images with Neural Networks, Plamen Petkov
Sliding Mode Control with Chattering Reduction, Suryamshu Ramesh
Implementation Of Path Planning Methods To Detect And Avoid GPS Signal Degradation In Urban Environments, Ayush Raminedi
The Role of Sensing Modalities in Shaping Collective Motion and Group Behavior, Poorendra P. Ramlall
Balloon Borne GPS-Enabled Radiosondes That Enable Simultaneous Multi-Point Atmospheric Sensing With a Single Ground Station, Peter A. Ribbens
Modeling of Rotor Wake Vortex Dynamics and Interactions in Non-Homogenous Vertiport Environments, Garrison P. Shaw
Analysis of Wingtip Vortex Structure Generated by Bio-Inspired Winglets, D'Zahn A. Smith
Space Radiation Assessment and Mitigation: Meeting the Growing Demand for Shielding Solutions by Enhancing Models and Exploring Novel Shielding Opportunities, M. Laura Sorgi Johann
Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Landing in Complex Scenarios, Konstantinos Sotirakos
Prediction of Handling Qualities Deficiencies for Advanced Air Mobility Aircraft, Louis Spier
Machine Learning-based GPS Jamming and Spoofing Detection, Alberto Squatrito
Conceptual Design Methodology for the Fan-in-Wing VTOL Aircraft, Brock Steinfeldt
Benchmarking of a sCO2 Heat Exchanger Flow Loop, David Velasco
Adaptive Control of VSCMGs for Satellite Attitude Tracking, Kyle Vernyi
Exploring Machine Learning, Feature Engineering, and Explainability to Constrain Spica’s Apsidal Constant through MESA Simulations, Hannah C. Woodruff
Indentation Protection of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Woven Fiber Metal Laminates, Sida Xu
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2023
Numerical Modeling of Synthetic Vortical Disturbance Interactions Using OpenFOAM, Ahmed Bilal
Machine Learning and Spectrum Sensing Cognitive Radio for Satcom Interference Detection, Arthur Brock
In-Flight Testing & Verification of an Adaptive Distributed Fault-Tolerant Control Architecture, Michael Budihartono
Verification and Validation of Robot Manipulator Adaptive Control with Actuator Deficiency, Sebastian Comeaux
Development of a Constellation Simulator for a 5G/IoT Mission Planning System, Franco Criscola
Understanding the Structure of Wing Tip Vortices of Bio-Inspired Winglets, Greeshma C. Daniel
Impact Resistance of Hybrid Metal-Organic Frameworks/Carbon Fibers Composites, Derek Isaac Espinosa Ramirez
Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis and Control of Space Vehicles with Flexible Structures, Marco Fagetti
Optical Orbit Tracking and Estimation, Matthew Gillette
The Linearized Euler Equations for Predicting Supersonic Jet Noise of a Rectangular Jet Using OpenFOAM, Patrick Good
Modeling the Effects of Traffic Reduction on the Severity of the COVID-19 Epidemic in U.S. States, Tate Grant
Development and Testing of a New Method for Velocity-Selecting White Dwarfs from Gaia by Galactic Population, Joseph Hammill
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of a Commercial Phase Change Material Melting at Different Inclinations, Andrew Heiles
Deep-Learning Based Multiple-Model Bayesian Architecture for Spacecraft Fault Estimation, Rocio Jado Puente
Aeroponic System Optimization for Butterhead Lettuce Growth and Future Sustainability Using Flow Blurring Atomization, Taylor J. Johnson
Extracting a Body of Knowledge as a First Step Towards Defining a United Software Engineering Curriculum Guideline, Anton Kiselev
Assessing High Dynamic Range Imagery Performance for Object Detection in Maritime Environments, Erasmo Landaeta
The Role of Slip System Activation on Ni-Based Superalloy High Temperature Fatigue, Alexandru Lopazan
Thermal Boundary Condition Effects On Local Supercritical CO2 Heat Transfer Trends In Tubes, Nicholas C. Lopes
Characterization of Bistability Behavior in Unsymmetric CFRP Laminates, Evan Medora
Solar Sailing Adaptive Control Using Integral Concurrent Learning for Solar Flux Estimation, Luis Mendoza Zambrano
Deep Learning of Semantic Image Labels on HDR Imagery in a Maritime Environment, Charles Montagnoli
Modeling, Control, and Hardware Development of a Thrust-Vector Coaxial UAV, Andrew North
Atmospheric Carbon Capture: A Review on Current Technologies and Analysis of Energy Consumption for Various Direct Air Capture (DAC) Systems, Jennifer Perskin
In-situ Thermal and Deformation Characterization of Additive Manufacturing Processes, Nicholas Phillips
Towards Agile Academia: An Approach to Scientific Paper Writing Inspired by Software Engineering, Tyler Procko
A System for the Detection of Adversarial Attacks in Computer Vision via Performance Metrics, Sarah Reynolds
Utilizing Multitask Transfer Learning for Sonographic Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovitis Grading, Jordan Marie Claire Sanders
Adaptive Control Allocation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Model Uncertainties, Eren Sarioglu
Design and Characterization of a High pressure Flow Loop for Heat Transfer Experiments of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Joseph Sauerbrun
Online Aircraft System Identification Using a Novel Parameter Informed Reinforcement Learning Method, Nathan Schaff
Neural Network Models for Generating Synthetic Flight Data, Nathaniel Sisson
A Numerical Evaluation of Hypersonic Inward-Turning Inlets at Off-Design Conditions, Jacob Snider
Interfacial Thermomechanical Behavior of Hybrid Carbon Fibers, Sriraj Srihari
Comparison of Methods for Estimating Instantaneous Turn Radius of Ackermann Steering Vehicles, Kenneth Gennaro Stutts
Writing Matters: Investigating the Quality of Collegiate Aviation Incident Report Narratives, Kayla D. Taylor
Explorations in Monocular Distance And Ranging (MODAR) Techniques for Real-World Applications, Devon Vail
Spoken Language Processing and Modeling for Aviation Communications, Aaron Van De Brook
Defining Safe Training Datasets for Machine Learning Models Using Ontologies, Lynn C. Vonder Haar
Multiple Uncertain Robot Manipulator Control for a Modular System, Thitiphun Vongkunghae
Online Estimation of Unknown Parameters for Flexible Spacecraft, Nicolo Woodward
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2022
Development and Deployment of a Dynamic Soaring Capable UAV using Reinforcement Learning, Jacob Adamski
Optimization of Rover Wheel Geometries for Planetary Missions, Nikita Amberkar
Effect of Spray Rails on Takeoff Performance of Amphibian Aircraft, Soham Bahulekar