Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University provides access to master’s theses submitted since 1988.
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Each Daytona Beach master’s degree candidate is required to submit a copy of his or her master’s thesis to the Hunt Library in electronic and print formats. The electronic version of the thesis will be uploaded to Scholarly Commons. For more information on submitting a master’s thesis, please consult Thesis Binding and Submission Process.
Since the inception of Scholarly Commons, requests by researchers from other institutions (academic, commercial, military, and government) to read our graduate research theses have grown tremendously, and continue to increase every semester. To meet this demand, ERAU began offering our entire Master’s Theses collection as open access in December 2016.
For Dissertation and Thesis submission information please visit the PhD Dissertation and Master's Thesis Homepage.
If you do not wish your thesis to be open access, please email your name and title of your thesis to commons@erau.edu. Your thesis will be restricted to ERAU students, faculty, and staff within three business days.
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2020
Foundations of the Geometric Mechanics Udwadia-Kalaba Framework for Rigid Body Constrained Motion Analysis, Brennan S. McCann
Drones Detection Using Smart Sensors, Aishah Moafa
Neusch Automated Filter System: A Custom-Designed Photo-Filter Switching Apparatus for Embry-Riddle’s 1 Meter Telescope, Tyler Neusch
Python Implementation of Batch Least-Squares Filter for Satellite Orbit Determination, Austin Ogle
A Comparison of PID and Sliding Mode Controllers When Applied to the Orbit Raising of a Satellite Using Solar Sail Propulsion, Kayla Marie Ormiston
Constrained Motion Analysis of Spacecraft Trajectory in Restricted Three Body Problem, Harshkumar Patel
DMD and POD Modal Analysis for Store Separation, Nicholas Peters
An Open Source, Autonomous, Vision-Based Algorithm for Hazard Detection and Avoidance for Celestial Body Landing, Daniel Posada
Optimization of Spacecraft Formations about Lagrange Points for the Next Generation Space Weather Prediction Mission, Roberto Cuéllar Rangel
Methodology for Quantifying Resiliency of Transportation Systems, Hannah Rose Russell
Viscoplastic Study of 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Composites, Alexander M. Seifans
Constrained Motion Analysis and Control of Spacecraft Asteroid Hovering with Formulation Extension in Geometric Mechanics Framework, Wesley Thomas Stackhouse
Abduction Contractures within Infants with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip, Nathan Stanton
Use of Lidar Data to Investigate the Influence of Bottom Friction Coefficients for Storm Surge Modeling of Hurricane Michael in the Florida Panhandle, Sky Comarsh White
Parametric Analysis of Particle Spreading with Discrete Element Method, Yuxuan Wu
Numerical Analysis of Multi-Functional Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor, Xin Xu
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2019
Prediction of Noise Associated with an Isolated UAV Propeller, Samuel O. Afari
Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bridge Girders for Extremely Aggressive Environments, Abdellah Emad Azeez
Development of a Research Spacecraft Test-Bed with Implementation of Control Laws to Compensate Undesired Dynamics, Yomary Angélica Betancur Vesga
Adaptive Commanding of Control Moment Gyroscopes with Backlash, Justin G. Bourke
Multirotor UAS Sense and Avoid with Sensor Fusion, Jonathan Mark Buchholz
Geometric Effects of Thermal Barrier Coating Damage on Turbine Blade Temperatures, Shane Colon
Finite Element Model Validation and Testing of an Off-Road Vehicle under Dynamic Loading Conditions, MacKenzie Susan Cunningham
The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality for Astronauts on Lunar Missions: An Analog Study, Godfrey Valencio D’souza
Hybrid Structural Composites with Energy Harvesting Capabilities, Simon Furnes
Building and Integrating an Information Security Trustworthiness Framework for Aviation Systems, Anna Baron Garcia
Adaptive Learning Terrain Estimation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Applications, Pedro L. Vergara Garcia
Hypervelocity Impact Analysis of Hybrid Nanocomposite Sensors for Inflatable Space Structures, Yachna Gola
Design and Performance of a Communications System for a Low-Cost High Altitude Balloon Platform for Troposphere and Stratosphere Research, Noemí Miguélez Gómez
Planar Ion Probe for Low-Latitude Ionosphere/Thermosphere Enhancements in Density Cubesat Mission, Liam Owen Gunter
Blocks' Network: Redesign Architecture based on Blockchain Technology, Moataz Hanif
Effects of Musical Ability on Flight Planning, Situational Awareness, and Flight Path Deviations, Andrew P. Henry
Astrodynamics of the Next Generation Space Weather Prediction Mission, Mark Herring
Fuel Shortages During Hurricanes: Epidemiological Modeling and Optimal Control, Sabique Ul Islam
Nonlinear Estimation and Control Methods for Mechanical and Aerospace Systems under Actuator Uncertainty, Krishna Bhavithavya Kidambi
A Step toward Ending Long Airport Security Lines: The Modified Boarding Pass, Joel Lee
Feasibility of Circular Orbits for Proximity Operations in Strongly Perturbed Environments around Uniformly Rotating Asteroids, Nicholas Peter Liapis
A Hybrid Vortex Solution for Radial Equilibrium in Axial Compressors, Wenyu Li
Temporal-Spatial Analysis of Emergency Evacuation Traffic, Lorraine Margot Acevedo Loreto
Experimental and Computational Analysis of a 3D Printed Wing Structure, Aryslan Malik
Fuel Efficient Control Design and Constrained Motion Analysis for Spacecraft Coulomb Formation in Elliptic Chief Orbits, Muhammad Wasif Memon
In-Situ Measurement of Resin Shrinkage for Aerospace Components, Samarth Motagi
CFD Study of Taylor-Like Vortices in Swirling Flows, Sattar Panahandehgar
Covering Shock Wave Induced Interfacial Mixing: Numerical Study and a Control Primer, Erik S. Proaño
Uncover the Power of Multipath : Detecting NLOS Drones Using Low-Cost WiFi Devices, Ashok Vardhan Raja
Low-Tip-Speed High-Torque Proprotor Noise Approximation for Design Cycle Analysis, Xavier G. Santacruz
Global Estimation Methodology for Wave Adaptation Modular Vessel Dynamics Using a Genetic Algorithm, Marco Alan Schoener
Non-Linear Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Beams with Spring Constraints and Thermal Effects, Swetha Suresh
Benefits of Additional Runway Crossings on Parallel Runway Operations, Sergio Ezequiel Taleisnik
Wall-Jet Turbulence and Mixing Control by Way of a Pulsed Inlet Velocity, Cristale D. Garnica Vallejo
Numerical Investigation of Scaling Effects of a Ramjet-Powered Projectile, Arjun Jaishankar Vedam
Development of Robust Control Laws for Disturbance Rejection in Rotorcraft UAVs, Johannes Verberne
Autonomous Autorotation of a Tilt-Rotor Aircraft Using Model Predictive Control, Elias Wilson
Optimal Battery Weight Fraction for Serial Hybrid Propulsion System in Aircraft Design, Tsz Him Yeung
Space Image Processing and Orbit Estimation Using Small Aperture Optical Systems, David Zuehlke
Preliminary Test Predictions for Scale Ram-Air Parachute Testing, Christian A. Guzman Zurita
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2018
Secure Aircraft Maintenance Records Using Blockchain (SAMR), Ahrash Aleshi
An Underwater Vehicle Navigation System Using Acoustic and Inertial Sensors, Khalid M. Alzahrani
An Alternative Method of Identification of a Failed Engine in Twin-Engine Propeller Aircraft, Andrey Babin
Homography-Based State Estimation for Autonomous Exploration in Unknown Environments, Andres S. Chavez Armijos
Systems Engineering Design of an Electronically Interactive Application for Runway Incursion Prevention, Yixuan Cheng
Determining the Location of Runway Exits Using Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Christopher Bryan Clemmer
Design of an Attitude Control System for a Spacecraft with Propellant Slosh Dynamics, Nolan Coulter
Shape-Stabilization of PCM/HDPE Composites with 3D-Printing Applications for Battery Thermal Management, Thomas Benjamin Freeman
A Remote Observatory for Geocoronal Hydrogen Emissions, Margaret A. Gallant
Control Driven Scaling Effects of Motor and Rotors for Urban Air Mobility Design, Agustin A. Giovagnoli
Nonlinear Sliding Mode Observer Applied to Microalgae Growth, Rebecca J. Griffith
Development of a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Longitudinal Model for Future Flutter Testing, Said S. Hamada
Sensitivity Analyses of Optimized Attitude Estimators Using Sensor Fusion Solutions for Low-Cost MEMS Configurations, Ryan W. Hoffman
Biofidelic Piezoresistive Sandwich Composites, Nengda Jiang
Recommissioning REDDI: Reviving a Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer for Observing Thermospheric Winds, Robert Kallio
Feasibility Study of a Multi-Purpose Aircraft Concept with a Leading-Edge Cross-Flow Fan, Stanislav Karpuk
Behavioral Motivation of Prospective Mars’ Crewmembers, Jasleen Kaur
Multi-Scale Fluid Flow Analysis of the Cardiovascular System, Zaid Mahmood
Effect of Chemistry on Electrodynamics in the Martian Dynamo Region, Morgan M. Matheny
Parametric Study of Aerodynamic Performance of an Airfoil with Active Circulation Control Using Leading Edge Embedded Cross-Flow Fan, M.A. Qayyum Mazumder
A Study into Data Analysis of Varying Types of Langmuir Probes, William Merritt
Numerical Simulation of Shock Wave Propagation in Ducts with Grooves, Seyed Mehdi Mortazawy
Vision-Aided Navigation using Tracked Landmarks, Nicodemus Myhre
Airport Passenger Processing Technology: A Biometric Airport Journey, Vishra Patel
A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study on the Aerodynamic Performance of Ram-Air Parachutes, Angelo A. Fonseca Pazmiño
Nonlinear Acoustic Waves Generated by Surface Disturbances and Their Effect on Lower Thermospheric Composition, Benedict Piñeyro
Parametrization of Triple Screw Pumps for Aerospace Applications, Allison Putira
Development to a Flexible Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor for Strain Sensing, Neha Vedavathi Ramachandran
Design and Implementation of Intelligent Guidance Algorithms for UAV Mission Protection, Karina Rivera
Profitability and Financial Performance Indicators in U.S. Airports - A Preliminary Investigation, Abbas Shaban
Experimental Investigation of Enhanced Damage Resistant Fiber Metal Laminates, Cannelle Metang Tefoung
A Novel Magnetorheological Fluid Damper for a Small Spacecraft with Flexible Appendages, Robert Waelchli
Propulsive Battery Packs Sizing for Aviation Applications, Tianyuan Zhao
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2017
Development and Characterization of Piezoresistive Nanocomposites for Sensing Applications, Muhammad Anees
Mechanical and Electrical Characterization of Carbon Fiber/Bucky Paper/Zinc Oxide Hybrid Composites, Suma Ayyagari
Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling: A Global Perspective of Reconnection in the Magnetotail, Miles Thomas Bengtson
Integration of Macro-Fiber Composite Material on a Low Cost Unmanned Aerial System, May Chong Chan
Low-Cost Wearable Head-Up Display for Flight General Aviation, Pavan K. Chinta
Collision Avoidance and Navigation of UAS Using Vision-Based Proportional Navigation, Matthew J. Clark
Application of Neural Networks to Acoustic Localization, Stephen Cronin
Computational Modeling of Thoracic Injury Response due to Impact of a Small Unmanned Aerial System (SUAS), Alexander Fumiyoshi Dori