Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University provides access to master’s theses submitted since 1988.
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Each Daytona Beach master’s degree candidate is required to submit a copy of his or her master’s thesis to the Hunt Library in electronic and print formats. The electronic version of the thesis will be uploaded to Scholarly Commons. For more information on submitting a master’s thesis, please consult Thesis Binding and Submission Process.
Since the inception of Scholarly Commons, requests by researchers from other institutions (academic, commercial, military, and government) to read our graduate research theses have grown tremendously, and continue to increase every semester. To meet this demand, ERAU began offering our entire Master’s Theses collection as open access in December 2016.
For Dissertation and Thesis submission information please visit the PhD Dissertation and Master's Thesis Homepage.
If you do not wish your thesis to be open access, please email your name and title of your thesis to commons@erau.edu. Your thesis will be restricted to ERAU students, faculty, and staff within three business days.
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2017
Performance Analysis of a Coaxial Helicopter in Hover and Forward Flight, Stanrich D. Fernandes
Time-Modulated Array Testbed Prototype for Multibeam Spectrometry, Addison J. Ford
A Replication Study of Personality Types of Students in a Professional Pilot Baccalaureate Degree Program, Stephanie Gill Fussell
Design, Development and Implementation of Intelligent Algorithms to Increase Autonomy of Quadrotor Unmanned Missions, Diego F. Garcia Herrera
Battery Centric Serial Hybrid Aircraft Performance and Design Space, Lenny Gartenberg
Robust Optimization and Groundwork for Problem Mapping, Leo Austin Ghelarducci
Computational Investigation of the Biomechanics of Babywearing in Regards to Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip, Gaurav Girish
Supervisory Controls Strategy to Reduce Utility Factor Weighted Criteria Emissions for a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Thomas Francis Gorgia III
Feasibility of Neural Networks for Maritime Visual Detection on a Mobile Platform, Robert Goring
Numerical Investigation of a Phase-Change Material Based Photovoltaic Panel Temperature Regulation System, Rohit Gulati
Structural Design of a Business Jet Winglet, Jaime Gutierrez
A Study on the Control, Dynamics, and Hardware of Micro Aerial Biomimetic Flapping Wing Vehicles, Siara Hunt
Design of Variable Stiffness Composite Panels for Maximum Strength, Joel P. Hurley
Dynamic Understeer Control Using Active Rear Toe, Mark Oliver Dixon Kaufman
Implementation and Verification of a Synthetic Eddy Method (SEM) in the Eagle3d Compressible Flow Solver, Patrick Kopper
Aerodynamic and Performance Analysis of a Morphing Helicopter Rotor System, Vinay Gopal Krishnan
A Feasibility Study for Using the ERAU Échelle Spectrograph to Improve Orbital Parameters of Spectroscopic Binary Systems, Stanimir Letchev
Effect of Boundary-Layer Tripping on Turbulence Generation and Trailing-Edge Noise in Transitional Airfoils, James Benjamin Lewis
Comparison of RANS Modeling to Dual-Plane PIV Measurements of the Turbulent Tip Vortex Trailed from a Hovering Rotor, Zachary Lietzau
The Extent of Distraction of Cell Phone Conversations for Passengers in Simulated Flight, Tianhua Li
Bio-mimicry of a Leopard Tortoise’ Shoulder Girdle in Space Frame Design of an Ambulance Body, Sarah A. Matiko
Effects of Graphical Weather Information versus Textual Weather Information on Situation Awareness in Meteorology, Stefan Melendez
Development of an Emulated Free-Floating Environment for On-Earth Testing of Space Robots, Narendran Muraleedharan
Electrical Optimization of a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Andre J. Napier
Design of Flight Control Laws for a Novel Stratospheric Dual-Aircraft Platform, Cindy Nshuti
Extended Surface Heat Transfer Coefficients via Endwall Temperature Measurements, Yogesh Pai
A GPS Signal Generator Using a ROACH FPGA Board, Kurt L. Pedrosa
Computer Aided Drafting Virtual Reality Interface, David M. Roach
Multi-Agent Path Planning for Locating a Radiating Source in an Unknown Environment, Stephanie M. Schwartz
Analytical and Numerical Approaches on the Stiffness of Magnetorheological Fluid Filled Spring, Stanislav Sikulskyi
Optimized Thruster Allocation Utilizing Dual Quaternions for the Asteroid Sample Return Mission (OSIRIS-REx), Asher Smith
Numerical Study of Mixing of a Supercritical Jet in a Supercritical Environment, Neil Sullivan
Ab Initio Computation of Radiative Properties of Monatomic Hydrogen, Fanny Thomas
Maritime Object Detection, Tracking, and Classification Using Lidar and Vision-Based Sensor Fusion, David John Thompson
Verification, Validation and Application of Shear Stress Transport Transitional Model to a R/C Aircraft, Jon Willems
Mission Tasking, Path Planning, and System Integration for an Autonomous Surface Vessel, Timothy Zuercher
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2016
SAFTE-VAT Functionality Effects on Flight Instructors' Situation Awareness and Instrument Student Pilots' Performance during FTD Training, Rafael E. Abreu Vega
An Experimental Study of Momentum-Driven Unsteady Jets, Sravan Kumar Artham
Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling of a Parafoil, Brandon Burnett
Detecting Delamination in Carbon Fiber Composites Using Piezoresistive Nanocomposites, Sandeep Chava
Laboratory Development of a Self-Powered Fontan for Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease, Arka Das
Computational Investigation of Impingement Cooling for Regeneratively Cooled Rocket Nozzles, Bianca A. De Angelo
An Aircraft Evacuation Simulation Baseline Using DES for Passenger Path Planning, Xiaoqing Deng
Tsunami Warning System, Amay Vijay Desai
Vibration Analysis of a Composite Wing Box with Arbitrarily Shaped Spars and Ribs, Rossana R. Fernandes
Investigation of Pin Fin Cooling Channels for Applications in Gas Turbines, Royce Fernandes
Investigation of Communication Constraints in Distributed Multi-Agent Systems, Zhaoyang Fu
Optical Tracking and Spectral Characterization of Cubesats for Operational Missions, Forrest Gasdia
Improving Damage Tolerance of Composite Sandwich Structures Subjected to Low Velocity Impact Loading: Experimental and Numerical Analysis, Ravi B. Gondaliya
Effect of Slot Span on Wing Performance, Juan F. Granizo
Forecast Verification of the Current Icing Potential (CIP) to Predict Lightning Hazards at U.S. Spaceports, Robert Edward Haley
Closed-Loop CFD Analysis of the Fontan Cardiovascular Circulation, Marwan Hameed
Effect of Flow-Acoustic Resonant Interactions on Aerodynamic Response of Transitional Airfoils, Joseph Hayden
Numerical Case Study of an Atom-Photon Interaction in a Cavity Exploring Quantum Control, Javier Jalandoni
Real-Time Optimization Based Power Flow Controller for Energy Consumption and Emissions Reduction in a Parallel HEV, Abdulla Abdulaziz Karmustaji
Heat Transfer Analysis of an Oblique Jet Impingement Cooling on CMC Rough Surface, Karthik Krishna
An Experimental Study of Synthetic Jet Actuators with Application in Airfoil LCO Control, Sanjay Krishnappa
Turbulence Control in Wall Jets, Jonathan Latim
Model Predictive Control of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System Using Volterra Series Representations, Wai Leuk Law
Study of Surface Tension, Natural Evaporation, and Subcooled Boiling Evaporation of Aqueous Surfactant Solutions, Matthew John Lehman
Application of Floating Pedal Regenerative Braking for a Rear-Wheel-Drive Parallel-Series Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle with an Automatic Transmission, Dylan Lewis Lewton
Windshield Defrost and Deice Using Carbon Nanotube Composite, Santhosh Kumar Loganathan
Fluidic Jet Turbulence Generators for Deflagration to Detonation Transition in Pulsed Detonation Combustors, Jarrett E. Lowe
Magneto-Rheological Fluid Device as Artificial Feel Force System on Aircraft Control Stick, Vignesh Manoharan
More Electric Systems Architecture Effect on Business Jet Performance, Kelsey M. Mazur
Nonlinear Control of a Thermoacoustic System with Multiple Heat Sources and Actuators, Mikael O. Molina Sandoval
Study of Hybrid Magneto-Active Propellant Management Device for Slosh Damping, Leander Paul
Performance Characterization of Ceramic Matrix Composites through Uniaxial Monotonic Tensile Testing, Jóhannes Pétursson
2D Aeroacoustic Analysis of Flow in the Flame Trench, Meghan Pokorski
A Hybrid Vortex Solution for Surge Margin Enhancement in Axial Compressors, Daniel Port
A Detailed Uncertainty Analysis of Heat Transfer Experiments Using Temperature Sensitive Paint, Anish Prasad
Oscillatory Flow Mechanism for Enhanced Heat Transfer, Sultan Taher Raml
Analysis of a Coupled Micro- and Triple-Impingement Cooling Configuration in the C3X Vane, Chase D. Rossman
A Computer Program for the Coupled Implementation of Meanline and Throughflow Methods to Simplify the Aerodynamic Design of Multistage Axial Compressors, Alexander V. Rozendaal
Prediction of Tonal Acoustic Radiation Due to Feedback-Loop Resonant Interactions in Transitional Airfoils, Seyyed Saman Salehian
Vision-Aided Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles Using Tracked Feature Points, Ahmed Saber Soliman Sayem
Infrasound Propagation in Terrestrial Planetary Atmospheres, Lynsey B. Schroeder
Sensing, Actuation, and Embedded Control for a Custom SCR Nitrogen Oxides Emissions Reduction System, Anuj Kalidas Sharma
Configuration Validation of a Novel In-Space Propellant Storage and Transfer System, Priyadarshan Sundararaju
Traction and Launch Control for a Rear-Wheel-Drive Parallel-Series Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Adam Michael Szechy
UAV as a Service: Providing On-Demand Access and On-The-Fly Retasking of Multi-Tenant UAVs Using Cloud Services, Justin Yapp
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2015
Direct Adaptive Control for Stability and Command Augmentation System of an Air-Breathing Hypersonic Vehicle, Ron Aditya
Investigation of Mountain Waves in the Mesosphere over the Andes Mountains, Jaime Aguilar Guerrero
Cubesat Wakes in the Earth’s Ionosphere, Robert M. Albarran II
Low-velocity Impact Analysis of Composite Repair Patches of Different Shapes, Sarvesh Baliga
Supersonic Retro-Propulsion Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis Applied to Future Mars Mission, Margarita Nataly Brandt
Random Actuation Pattern Optimization by Genetic Algorithm for Ultrasonic Structural Health Monitoring of Plates, Pierrot R. Derjany
The Three-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Rotating Disk, Daniel Digre
Aerodynamic and Structural Design of a Winglet for Enhanced Performance of a Business Jet, Nicolas El Haddad
Attitude Determination & Control System Design and Implementation for a 6U CubeSat Proximity Operations Mission, Francisco J. Franquiz
Scalloped Leading Edge Vaned Diffuser Analysis for a Compact High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor, Vinod Poonamchand Gehlot
Design and Validation of Hardware-in-the-Loop Testbed for Proximity Operations Payloads, Kristia K. Harris
Numerical Investigation of Tonal Noise on a Transitional Airfoil under Varying Conditions, Warren W. Hiner
Computation of Hypersonic Flows with Lateral Jets Using k-ω Turbulence Model, Spatika Dasharati Iyengar
Design and Manufacturing of a Mecanum Wheel for the Magnetic Climbing Robot, Shruti Deepak Kamdar